Happy new year everyone! just thought I’d share a little update about my PIP, I had my face to face assessment on Nov 25th, and very happy to say I was awarded PIP! I have the standard rate for both mobility and daily living, over the moon with it! Also have a quick question regarding a blue badge, does anyone know that now I have been awarded PIP if I could get a blue badge, if I’m honest I rarely go out as walking from one end of the car park, then go shopping and walking back again has always been a struggle. Didn’t know if any of you guys have a blue badge for fibro or if it’s even a thing? Any advice would help a bunch!
PIP UPDATE and question??? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP UPDATE and question???

Wonderful news about getting PIP it is such a weight off your mind. It is the individual council that now decides who should have a Blue Badge in their area. In ours it seems to be only automatic (you still have to go through the motions of filling out a form) if you have been awarded the Highest Rate of PIP mobility or you are severely disabled. Other people tend to have to apply and then go through a physical assessment. That doesn't mean that you won't get it as as I have said before it varies from council to council. Do use the evidence of getting PIP as one of your pieces supporting your application, perhaps plus a list of any medications you take and aids to walking etc. A support letter off your doctor wouldn't hurt either.
Good luck.x
I applied for a blue badge as advised by my consultant however they stopped responding after my consultant left the job and I was told I couldn't use any other doctor's cover letter so I don't even know what to do now. I used my PIP letters and consultant letter but never got anything back.
I am not sure where you scored your points for your mobility but have just copies this from the Government website in reference to the ability to get a Blue Badge automatically "you receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you can’t walk more than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component)".
Look under Gov.UK and type in Who Can Get a Blue Badge for further guidance. Just because you haven't obtained the higher rate mobility doesn't necessarily excluse you. They might want to see you in person. My friend was asked to walk with the occupational therapist who assessed her and it was up a slight incline. She was asked how far she could walk without getting breathless or in pain etc. They could see she was struggling so actually cut the walk short and told her she would be having a Blue Badge this time it was renewed automatically. Often if your repeat prescription shows that you are on painkillers and anti-inflamatories that can also help. Good luck.x
Hi Ss2695
A good excuse to celebrate🧁🍬
How long did it take to tell you that you can get PIP? I saw them 2 weeks ago for face to face assessment before Xmas and today I got a letter telling me they have got all info needed and let me their decision in due course. They kind of left it open ended. 🙏🏻🌺
My letter came through around 3 weeks after I had my face to face assessment, I did record my assessment which I think is why they didn’t take to long to decide to award me if I’m honest
Did you record it yourself on your mobile phone? I didnt realise you could do this!
If you record your assessment the assessor must be aware and the guidance used to say, that you need to supply a recording device which has to be able to make 2 exact copies. You cannot use your phone and if you dive secretly it cannot be useful as the assessor must be aware it is being recorded.
The FMAUK Benefits lady, Janet would be able to confirm the requirements just in case they have changed or other stipulations.
Here’s the link:
All the best
That is great news for you. I should think you would be eligible for a blue badge. x
Amazing news getting your PIP!! I had my assessment 1st December and still eagerly waiting. My assessor seemed really nice so hoping her report was in support of me but I know that doesn’t always work like that! I’m also hoping if I get the PIP that I can have a blue badge as I was knocked back for mine when I applied xx
I am so pleased for you I think you automatically qualify for the blue badge if you have been given the enhanced award. But I'm sure it will be a great help in getting one now you have been awarded pip . Good luck
Hi yes you can I just had to send a copy of my prescription with medication on and it costs £10. I also have PIP and had my blue badge first so shouldnt be a problem.

Brilliant Thankyou!
Depends very much on the local authority whether or not you will be required to attend an assessment. The application form can be done online and you can then upload copies of your supporting documentation and photo, then they will ask for payment which is returned if you are unsucessful but as the form asks whether or not you have PIP then it shouldn't be much of a problem for you. I have just done my renewal for my badge and have yet to hear whether or not they wish to do another f2f as apparently sometimes they do and sometimes they don't in our borough.
Hello, having a blue badge is not awarded or given on a diagnosis but on your abilities regrading your mobility. You should contact your local County Council and ask, request an application form as you have standard mobility award some authorities will give you a badge automatically while others may request you to be accessed.
Hey i was awarded hi Mobilty last year when i spoke to the council even with this u dont automatically get awarded the the blue badge speak to your local council and see what they expect as they all seem to differ mime went on a point system deffo worth a quick ring tho
Good luck xx
I got my blue badge just each vouncil seems to be different i was told even if u get high motablity u dont automatically get one my daughter is autistic she dosent get high disablity but is entilted to one each to their own rules by the looks of things 😊
You need 8 points or above on mobility to gain a blue badge. Apply at your local council online with a scan of your pip acceptance. Good luck x
In my council, anyone who receives PIP and has been awarded 10 points or more on their PIP Mobility assessment automatically qualifies for a blue badge without further assessment, though you still have to apply for it. For anyone who already has a blue badge, please be advised that expiry reminders are no longer being sent out, it is up to the individual to reapply when their badge is due to expire. The badges are now printed centrally and it can take up to 8 weeks for a replacement to be issued !!
I also have bipolar and anxiety and personality disorder also fibromyalgia hypermobality i get more help due to my mental health ppl dont take in the consideration the fact i struggle to walk i actually am at the point im that bad where i have a stairlift now and walk in shower and it is frustrating for myself have a great 2020
You can get a blue badge I've just got mine, you dont have to use it only on your car it can be used on any car as long as your with the driver, hope this helps x
No, it was the case in my area before the new rules came in. The badge was issued in 2018.
I have one, apply you are entitled x
Hi Ajay575, I am not looking for a blue badge, my OH has one, issued in 2018, I was just offering my experience to others. This is my councils webpage tameside.gov.uk/CustomerSer...
I have just Applied for blue badge via local council websight .I have basic PIP that seems to get you into Applications
As you said earlier, it seems to be a postcode lottery as to whether you will get one or not, much the same as the DWP assessments I suppose. It is so unfair to have to deal with all this rubbish when you are already feeling unwell & vulnerable x
Hi I had mine two weeks ago I work part time and wondered how that would be perceived do you work xx

I am due to start work this month, I work for an agency so I pick and choose my shifts to suit me, i also explained to them that I applied for PIP so that I can have the financial stability even if I miss some shifts from work
Did you tell pip that on your assessment ? They grilled me over work I am desk based now and on reduced hours but they seemed very hot on it I could barely walk that day I was in such a mess I have lupus and fibromyalgia and thyroid issues when asked how many good days I have I said some days I’m bed bound x
Yes I was completely honest with them regarding my plans to work as I told them I want to be as independent as possible and having this benefit could allow me to comfortably do that as much as my condition will allow (regarding work) without me having to worry about being unable to pay my bills
My assessor wasn’t impressed to be honest I will have to wait and see my outcome but I’m pleased for you xx how long is it before your reviewed x
Happy new year and congratulations on getting pip, good to hear I’m happy for you x

Thankyou 😊 x
Yes you can keep blue card
The national eligibility criteria relating to PIP for a Blue Badge are: You'll be able to get a Blue Badge automatically if you: get the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and scored 8 points or more in the 'moving around' activity (check your decision letter if you're not sure).
Your Local Authority has no discretion if you meet these criteria. It has to issue a blue badge.
If your 8 points for mobility relate to another decriptor, you have no automatic right to a blue badge but can apply and will be assessed by the Council.
Hi there, well done you for getting pip as long as it's the right rate , if you feel you need more help you can appeal , also you will get a blue badge for standard rate for mobility so go ahead and apply. x
Can you tell me do you still work and get pip
Can I ask what happens at the assessment I am pretty scared x
With mine my assessor just ask me pretty much the same questions that I had to answer in my “How tour disability effect you” form, there were some additional questions aswell, and once the question aspect was done I was asked to do some movements, like move my head side to side and up and down, stand and bend down to touch my toes, put my hands behind my head etc, (quite a few of which I couldn’t do as I was in to much pain too) then she explained what happens next and then she left, I was so scared but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, don’t work yourself up too much about it, just be as descriptive as possible and if they keep asking about your good days, keep the focus on the bad days, my assessor kept asking and asking about a good day and because I rarely have them anymore I just said every time “I don’t have good days anymore” because as the end of the day the whole point of the assessment is to see how the condition effects you, not how you are on good days.
Thank you very much this has put me at ease xx
Hi I’m new here but a question about your pip award (glad you have received it). Have you got it for life or for a set time period?