Can you help me put together a program to make it bearable?
Hi, I've had IPF for 7 years with sleep apnea and A-Fib as comorbidities. Over the last few weeks, it seems that Fibromyalgia is to be added to the list. It's hit me like a bombshell.
Can you help me put together a program to make it bearable?
Hi, I've had IPF for 7 years with sleep apnea and A-Fib as comorbidities. Over the last few weeks, it seems that Fibromyalgia is to be added to the list. It's hit me like a bombshell., morning I have sleep apnea along side my fibro also cfs, I can totally relate to how you feel, do you wear a full face mask for your apnea??bit fed up 7 years on my mask gives me headaches every morning think just drys out sinuses and wake up a real grump. It’s a lot to take in getting a diagnosis for fibro, although part of me now understands why certain things were happening to me it fitted into place as for a few years the doctor I had didn’t even point out this is what I had. Waking up each day for me is stretching out gradually doing a few tasks and taking restful breaks in between, pacing is the best way forward and I do this throughout the day if I can. Not working due to conditions so I can take each day without putting pressure on myself, getting out for small trips when I can and if I’m not up to it another day will come along to do food shop etc or just getting some air with a short walk over a cup of coffee. Learning to say no is something I’ve learnt to do, friends/family are on board now and I always say see you if I’m up to it and if it’s not a good day think there will be another one come along to tick that box. Everybody is different when it comes to copping with fibro, I take meds to help and occasionally pain relief if levels get worse, Epsom salts in my bath once a day and have a soak relaxes my muscles. , take each day as it arrives as there are good ones to look back on ,think of some positive things you got too do and hopefully that feeling will take you through a bad day. I’ve written on my calendar all year , be it an hour or so a day something I got too do that was a positive . Today being Sunday I’ve not got up as fatigued and achy but slow start ,restful day, might be beneficial to start the week who knows but that’s all we can do work with the fibro on a daily basis. Hope I’ve made sense this me personally take care.