Hi, I read a lot of the posts on here, but I rarely post anything myself. However, may I ask what natural remedies people take to help with their symptoms? Because of the length of time I was taking prescribed medications I had become unsure of the affect they were having on my body; plus after listening to comments made by others I felt they had taken away part of 'the me' I used to be, so thought I would try without them. Consequently, over the past 18 months I have weaned myself off Duloxetine, Pregabalin and Amitriptyline. I had no support from the GP surgery I was under and so changed doctors and found out there is a monthly Fibro Group I have just started attending. I am hoping this will help but urge others to query whether one exists in your area. I am still on Buprenorphine Patches, take near daily Epsom Salt baths and use an electric heat pad which help. Plus, since diagnosed with low Vit. D take this daily also (although I must buy them as they are no longer available on prescription). Can anyone advise any natural remedies that work for them? Thank you.
Natural Remedies/Help: Hi, I read a lot... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Natural Remedies/Help

Well done for weaning yourself off most of your medication. I have found that Coenzyme Q10 has helped me with muscle pain especially in my calf muscles. I take a good multivitamin as although I eat quite a bit of fruit and vegetables I have to be careful with too much roughage as it irritates my IBS so the vitamins make up for anything lacking. I have found having acupuncture seems to have helped with fatigue and some of my pain is less. Gentle stretches and a walk a day has also helped keep me more flexible. Like you I take Vitamin D and feel better for that. Good luck in finding something that helps.x
Hi, well done on the meds front. I did similar but was very fortunate that I had an extremely supportive GP that helped guide me in what order and what speed I could cut down on the meds.
I have regular physio and acupuncture for the muscle stiffness and I take turmeric tablets for their anti inflammatory properties.
I was advised I displayed a sensitivity to gluten (not an intolerance such as with Coeliacs) so cut gluten out of my diet too. This was around 8 years ago now and has made such a difference.
I also like regular Epsom salts baths as the Magnesium sulphate is a great muscle relaxant.
No one thing is ever going to work for everyone, but you asked what we had found worked for us and these certainly worked for me and others👍🏻
Good luck with finding your route.
I use an arnica gel on anywhere that hurts and it helps to dull the pain. A lot of arnica products are homeopathic and I didn't find they worked for me, but the gel I use actually has arnica as a major ingredient and I apply it liberally all the time. It's a water based gel and sinks in really quickly, I even carry a small bottle in my bag when I go out. Many people swear by the brand I use for arthritis too, and it certainly helps the arthritis in my hands. If you'd like to know more details please PM me, as I believe it's against the rules to post details of the brand and supplier here on the forum.
Thank you. A good friend of mind is into homeopathy so I believe she will be able to look into the arnica product you are talking about. I appreciate you telling me about this but am not happy for you to go against any ruling re promoting products by giving me this name. Thank you though.
Could try: Liposomal Vitamin C, Chlorella, and Co-enzyme Q10 as suggested by rosewine.