I dread having my blood pressure taken because it is so painful when the cuff tightens on my arm. Does anyone else have this problem?
Blood pressure: I dread having my blood... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Blood pressure

Good morning and welcome to our group I suffer with very high BP and that causes an horrendous amount of pain when the machine is having to pump higher to find a correct reading.
If this is the cause of your pain I would have thought your GP would have put you on BP medication. I don't know but it may also cause that pain for low BP too.
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Yes, agreed it hurts. Had 24 hour monitor on and it took pressure readings every half an hour - oh my was my arm in a state at the end of it but then again my skin is ultra sensitive to everything!
I have same problem but part of it is my bp is too high, I'm on meds but still uncontrolled. Also my problem is fat arms, bingo wings! Doctors cuff has been to small for me so they have to put it on tight before starting machine or it pops off.They now have a larger cuff but sometimes can't be bothered to find one. Ask if they have a larger cuff if you think you need it. I thought as I've lost over 3 stone it would get better, but I just have floppy bingo wings now! Anybody out there has any ideas to help that problem. Do you have your own machine, I have one and been able to purchase a larger cuff separate for that machine. Trouble is whatever we do the cuff is still going to squeeze tight and still cause discomfort but I do find the larger isn't quire as painful. I think I cause my bp to go up as when cuff tightens it causes me to catch my breath and hold it, I do try not to but I agree it blooming hurts! If you tend to do that be aware of it, (you're probably not aware of doing it) .shut your eyes, relax, breath gently and count in & out quietly in your head. Sue x
Hi Sue thanks for your reply I am sure it is the fibromyalgia that is causing my painful arm when it is squeezed. In fact if I am squeezed anywhere on my body it feels painful. X
Yes Lily, it really hurts.
I was on a week’s b p monitoring the week before last and had to do it 3 times a day. Poor Dinks, every half hour?? Must have been awful for her.
I don’t like any squeezing or weight on any part of me. I think that because our muscles are already tight with the fibromyalgia, it is uncomfortable to stand any further pressure. I also think that’s why I hurt more in the winter when I automatically tense up against the cold.
Just another thing to try us hey ?
Take care
Jan xx

Yep... It's one of the few things at GPs I hate getting done because I know my arm will ache for the rest of the day xxx
Hi ....i was the same it hurt so much like torture....
I solved it by buying a wrist bp monitor.
I took it to my GP and he checked it out.
It does not hurt like the cuffs do.
Follow the instructions and is it very easy to use....I bought mine at Boots.
Hope this helps..
Also its small enough to fit in your bag .
So take it with you to appointments....
I just am unable to have my B.P. taken on my upper arm - I could scream with the pain. But the Drs. will not accept a reading on the wrist, so my high B.P. continues.
You can ask if they have an old manual one, I have in past as so painful.
Hi Lily, I have been having the same problem since many years, my body arms too tender, even though I did try to have long communication with the GP and Nurse, they both got demanding angry, given command to keep my arm steady. Press button B.P device pomps up right to the top unnecessary too painful, Manual BP pumping up controled and stoped until sistolik beet stops. They are choosing the easy way of taking BP, they dont care. My health is damaged even more.