I have had a ecg this morning and it was fine but it says that my systolic reading was 88mmhg and my diastolic was 50mmhg. The nurse said that my blood pressure was a little low but it has never been low until today. I am not sure why. anyway, I hope that there is nothing bad wrong with me. I hope you are ok out there and not in too much pain x ☺️😉
ecg and low blood pressure - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ecg and low blood pressure

Blood pressure goes up and down all day, it could be just that. I have a friend who gets to the level of a heart attack simply seeing the doctor get out the cuff thing. If it is something to worry about the doctor/nurse would have let you know or will let you know, otherwise party as normal.
Hi there, I suffer with high BP. But low BP can be just be has bad has high.
If you have not heard from your GP before the end of next week I would give them a call. Just to put your mind at restif your concerned about it.
It’s always worth remembering that not taking in enough fluids, in particular water, can cause hypotension. Coffee and tea/ fizzy drinks are no substitute for plain water when it comes to maintaining electrolyte balance. Dehydration, even on a minor level, can cause a dip in BP as can certain medications. I teach this subject to my nursing students😊Having said that, the parameters for ‘normal’ BP are now considered lower than the traditional 120/80, with 90/60 being within accepted ‘normal’ range.
hi I suffer too with low BP all the time its never been high I have had ECGS in the past my heartrate is fast to, but they have always said too me not too worry, but low blood pressure is just as bad I totally agree with Dizzytwo I feel tired all the time I get dizzy quickly and can feel sick its awful, if you do get like that speak to a doctor or nurse. really you would think by now they would know what causes low pressure but they don't.
my ECG and BP are always different depending on what I’ve ate/drank, pain levels, sleep. My BP is mostly a little low but it’s always something they keep an eye on and never do anything about it. The nurse would of said something If they was concerned. I hope you have a pain free day xx
Hi Fibrogirl, did you feel weak or faint when your blood pressure was low? I have orthostatic hypotension (it drops sometimes when I stand up) have had it as far back into childhood as I can remember. Sometimes things will go black and only fainted 1 time back in 98. If I remember correctly this is common with fibromyalgia and CFS/ME. I have both along with a list of other conditions that go along with fibro. I drink lots of water and add salt 🧂to my food when seasoning my food. This helps build the blood volume which helps counteract the blood pressure from dropping when I stand up.
I would just keep an eye on it if it causes you to feel weak or faint I would talk to your doctor about it. As long as you are not sympathetic I wouldn’t worry about it just keep an eye on it. It could have just been one of those odd things that us fibro nites live with. 😊💕🦋
I didn't feel faint just felt weird and a little bit heavy and slightly unwell but it passes after a bit. I hope when I see the doctor next week I will get on ok x I don't know if it's low blood pressure mostly or part of fibromyalgia like you said x we will see what happens. thank you ❤️
feeling weird and a little bit heavy and slightly unwell sounds like low blood pressure. You need to get it checked out. Mention to your doctor in how you felt when the blood pressure is low. That is separate from the fibro it’s self. Can be one of those other diagnoses that follow fibromyalgia or links to it. The long list of other diagnosis that follow the fibromyalgia after years of being diagnosed with it.
I went for an ecg after I spoke with the doctor and told him about this and I had an ecg and it said that I had slightly low blood pressure. I am seeing the doctor again this week and I hope they can help me or give me some advice or medication for me so I can get my life back x ❤️