Anyone on here got success stories on pip just for fibromyalgia
Pip: Anyone on here got success stories... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi there, you may like to go over the replies you received to your pip question you posted 2 days ago by pressing on this link.
I hope this helps
Momo xx
Hi Dizzytwo it's nice to hear from you, I hope you're well. I know that I'm not on a lot but I enjoy reading the posts and I missed your post's, gentle hugs Rosie xx
Hi ..fought for ESA for 3 years and waiting to hear back from PIP MR after my third attempt! ..i have fibromyalgia osteo arthritis...spinal stenosis/sciatica GAD complex trauma disorder and cycling depression .amongst several other little bits and bobs and medical records that could stretch from here to eternity lol ."When" i get a positive outcome i will let you know :-)...i am unable to reliably work anymore due to all that lot (previous support worker value ..) so i won't stop fighting even tho it drives me into the ground trying ...The benefits system is a disgrace .

So have you been declined pip before ? Or was it esa you were declined? Also do you struggle with daily things like cooking washing etc x
Hi love ..i "failed" 2 ESA medicals before my last one in which i was placed straight into support group .
The pip i have applied for 2 times before this but gave up because i was so unwell i couldn't cope with the stress of being treated like a lying criminal again and again .As for your question all of my stuff is variable .so some days I'm simply non functioning and some i am more able ..some days i can walk somewhere for a short while ..some days i can't walk up the small flight of stairs i have ..but there isn't ONE single day ever.. where i am not affected by pain/stiffness/discomfort .So yes some days even cooking/washing is diffcult because even standing for longer than a minute or two causes so much pain that i have to stand on one leg and keep sitting down !i keep thinking i really need a stool in me kitchen lol.. i should really use crutches for walking but i don't ..because it feels bad enough to me that i have all these issues let alone looking like it too ...its all a bit like climbing a continuous mountain in my world .!
Have you applied ?or thinking of applying ?If so i would definitely recommend you get someone to help you ...i wouldn't even try to attempt it on my own anymore X
And oh yes sorry ..yes been declined for pip both times i applied ..which was why i gave up x

I gave up after the first time, The process proper killed me inside, Now I live off other people.
Isn't life great
I'm really sorry to hear ..i realise that some people have positive outcomes and experiences but on the whole the system is utterly disgraceful.The people at the top who put genuine people through the misery of having to prove themselves despite the glaringly obvious ..really really should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves .

Hey Tabby how are you? Can you remember me when I first came on here? We were both going through the assessments around the same time. I am sure of it.
I ended up going to court to fight my case, i broke down in court, on the floor cannot breathe..... They still said I didnt deserve it because i could make beans on toast. I ended up screaming "F The government and walked out"
They said NO lol I am ready to go again but just scared.
Hey i don't remember ???i can't even remember ever posting on here at all 😂 but that's my memory of lack of !i really find it difficult to read stuff like your writing .I have also just read some posts of yours from a year ago ..with that woman with osteo arthritis who was talking about trying out exercise ? patronising can someone be on a forum where some people are deeply depressed by what they are dealing with ...some people have complex issues that exercise isn't a "cure all" fix for .anyway its quite obvious that she works for the DWP .lmao .
Anyway ..i think you should go for it again..last time i went through it i was suicidaly depressed due to a sequence of events over the course of several years i was going through that was triggering severe Cptsd symptoms due to life damaging child abuse through adoption as a child .
And like yourself i just couldn't cope with the disgusting judgements and accusatory questioning from CAPITA.I am in a slightly better place emotionally at the moment (for now)and that is the only reason why I'm fighting the fight again .
I would challenge any one of those DWP assessors to live just one afternoon in the life some of us endure.
Half of em wouldn't last one minute.

What that is awful ! How can they say no to you wish you the best of luck . I’ve applied an have my assessment tomorrow but I’m just so scared they are going to say no as I’ve read so many negative stories x
Oh I'm so sorry ..i know i went on a bit of a negative rant ..My experience isn't your experience ..although they do do this to lots of people ..One thing i will say is that i think a part of me always felt i didnt deserve benefits for some bizzare reason...i have so much pride plus being someone who has always supported everyone else..its so diffi ult to be on the recieving end ! and if you looked at me you wouldn't think there was anything wrong and i wonder sometimes if that's why i kept failing ..i am someone who pushes myself way too hard and then ends up on the floor ..ive now changed my whole thinking ..of course i bloody deserve help !What's happened to me is not my fault !And its not yours just believe in yourself tommorow and stand up for what you know is the truth and what is right....and if they do turn you down (hopefully not and i have everything tightly crossed for you )please don't give up !do you have someone going with you ?coz as I'm sure you already know ..that's important X
Anna, Please don't make other peoples stories upset you. You have to believe in yourself because worrying about PIP Decisions and assessments will only make your illness worse.
It is hard to tell people everything is going to be okay, because how would I know. Just be brave go to the assessment. If they fail you try again do not be like me because I swear down, being upset about it will only make you more poorly.
I will hope you have a great assessor and get what you deserve xx
PIP is a benefit not related to your illness, disability or diagnosis, but how you cope manage your daily life in relation to the PIP descriptors. People think because they have been diagnosed with this or that illness disability think or expect they should be awarded the PIP benefits. Before you apply take a self test of PIP on the Benefits and Works site and read the information reference to the PIP descriptors on the government site.
What a joke thing to say. The system is rigged to make you fail even if you DO Struggle with daily tasks and medication and other things.
Does not matter one bit, Its a lottery depending on whether the assessor or dwp person marking the forms got laid, maybe had a nice breakfast, or just feeling generally happy.
Disability and what you can or can't do is irrelevant to some of these, So to make out people just want to do it because they have a disability is just wrong, and a pretty stupid thing to say.
People are suffering because of lies told by Assessors and DWP so please do not say it is US that is the problem. because it makes us feel worse when people think that.
I have been suffering for the past 5 years not being able to work, not being able to claim anything. I sit here and starve, I sit here and not have the right treatment. Nothing I can do but rely on my family for food because I for one cannot claim any benefits. NO ESA NO INCOME SUPPORT NO JSA as I cannot physically find work.
So now say its based on Daily Tasks.... Because it bloody aint!!! Its just what they tell you.
100% There is so much ignorance its frightening.
Its is so obvious that a person who suffers from multiple physical and emotional issues is going to struggle with daily life to varying degrees.
Obvious .....
By the way i personally score enough on that "test" to be entitled to PIP and that was before i got diagnosed with MORE problems I'm not even claiming for ,yet i have been repeatedly refused.
So that "test" is totally meaningless .

Scoring an award level on a pretest before an application or assessment and not being honest or realistic in knowing what you can or can’t do is another thing. If after your award notification letter if your was not what you expected then you can and should appeal by lodging an MR and if refused take to a tribunal hearing, yes it’s a long wait but many do win their tribunal hearings and all monies owed are paid back which the biggest amount was £.1000s.
Yes i am aware of all of the above ..thankyou.
Personally i am always 100 % honest gets me nowhere yet I have several very genuine and debilitating co-existing conditions which affect and have affected my life on many levels for several years despite working through some of them,Meanwhile there are 1000s out there that are not honest and seem to fall through the proverbial test net raking in the 1000s of back pay you speak about.
In my personal case i can't imagine there is a person alive who has the type and the amount of issues that i do that would not have their quality of life/mobility affected and the evidence is ample yet i am still fighting...(and so are many other genuine people out there )So trying to prove myself to people over and over again (despite the EVIDENCE) who have absolutely no training or knowledge in my conditions or any clue about just how affected i truly am deeply hurts when i / we have already suffered enough .
Thanks for your reply
By the way just to add to your comment "think you deserve"
I have chosen to work rather than claim benefits precisely because i do NOT have a sense of entitlement .
But the more difficult my mobility i becomes the more realistic i have to be about needing extra help.
I have survived by myself and put into the system as much as i have been able and now to my shame i can't .So it is not about whether i "deserve " or not really ,although i now believe that i do actually "deserve" help .
It is now a survival issue .
Hi I got esa medical required ...first time.
I got my DLA changeover to PIP few weeks ago and just sent it in yesterday....
I was successful in my change over from dla to pip. It was a tough process but overall it wasn’t to bad and I got a increase from pip as dla only had me on low rate and pip said I get high rate for both care and mobility. Hope you are successful and good luck xxxxx
Thank you ! What things do you struggle with if you don’t mind me asking an what did you do in the face to face x
I am currently using a wheelchair as my legs are really bad. On the day of my face to face I was not to bad and was using my stick. I was a nervous wreck the interviewer was great she asked loads of questions about how fibromyalgia affects me in a daily basis, I was so emotional it was embarrassing but she just took it slow and if I needed she would repeat the question. Just be totally honest but make sure you always refer to your worst days. I was lucky I had a interviewer who understood the effects of fibromyalgia. Good luck hun and try and stay calm xxx
I am hoping I don’t as I suffer really bad anxiety but I doubt I will be really lucky twice. On DLA I was on low rate care and low rate mobility and I appealed as I have to have social services carers to help me and ended up with high on both after a tribunal
I hope you have applied
I have fibromyalgia and I’m on the pip
It a lot of forms
But worth applying as fibromyalgia affect
All parts of your like good luck
Thanks so much xxx
I didn’t say do the PIP self test lots of times or repeatedly implying till you get a result you think you deserve it’s only a guide and unless you are honest you are fooling yourself and your attempt to claim will end in failure hence your rant as it’s fixed,
Hi I have got pip for this with no issues only been diagnosed by gp .
I had no other medical input and had a home visit with 2 assessors I basically just told them how it was my claim was from dla moving over to pip .
I dident get it the first time as I filled the forms In wrong
But the second time I got it put down all medical evidence and any letters from specialist you have
All the best 😊
Think is best to take your time filling in all the section as it’s on a points system.
So you get points for each heath problem .
Your ability to walk .
That’s good you sent all the papers with the form .
Then you have a medical with the capita
Person .
Then you wait for weeks for the reply
They are slow it says 6/8 weeks but mine took months
Good luck 😊
PIP is not about your illness, disability or the amount of medication you are prescribed. PIPis a benefit to help with your day to day activities in relation to the PIP descriptiors which you fill in how you cope manage in your application form and is justified at your assessment that you can or cannot preform the descriptors safely, repeatabily and in a timely manner and points are awarded. If you are not happy with your award you can appeal through a Mr only 4% are changed the next step is tribunal hearing where if you attend 70% of cases are upheld. Those of you who don't meet the criteria for a PIP award either don't prepare, or maybe think you are entitled but aren't just an observation from reading posts.
Thanks for your reply ! I’ll just have to wait an see . I do struggle with day to day activities
Struggling to preform the PIP descriptiors sujests you can do but you should be saying I can't do A B or C.
Thanks very much ! Keeping my fingers crossed . I’m not in the best living situation at the moment either (I live in a summer house in my back garden ) 6 of us living in the house with only one bathroom , trying to save for a mortgage with my boyfriend so the money would really help . Plus I had to pay to go private cause the nhs wait was so long
Your assessment was today that what you said on here yesterday. How did it go then?
Hey I’m not too sure how it went tbh with you ! She asked me to do some movements which I explained I can’t do some of them cause willhurt , she also asked me if I can use a knife an fork I said yeah , she asked if I wash myself I said on bad days I’ll either just use wet wipes or get my mum to wash my hair . She asked if I see my friends an I said only on good days . She asked if I can read an I said yes but my eyesights abit bad as I need glasses and also during a flare my eyes hurt xx
Totally agree with you ! Think this farmer boy thinks no one should get it but him by the sound of it
No I don't, if you have a valid case and surportive evidence then you will and should be awarded PIP even if you have to do a MR and go to a tribunal. Many give up or accept their award or non award but as seen if you are prepared to stand your ground fight your corner than truth will out.
The DWP decision makers go on the recommendations of the assessor who did the assessment and wrote the report. There are more complaints about not getting PIP than the many and I mean many who get awarded PIP successfully. Planing, preparation and filling your application form and sending correct surportive evidence adds weight to your claim.
Not really, PIP is a benefit to help assist you with your daily living activities and mobility issues. To qualify you have to meet the criteria of the PIP descriptiors and be able to preform them safely, repeatably and in a timely manner.
Your complaint should be made to the assessment company if there are lies inaccuracies in the report as the decision makers mostly go by the assessment report.