i was just reading that pip has been scrapped what will this mean my sister is 64 she is still getting dla will she still have to go for the pip or stay on dla ,she is worried sick and in tears when she called me tonight she is not eating is now on antedepresants i am so worried about her .have u heard anything please ,
pip : i was just reading that pip has... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Where did you read pip was getting scrapped? I know it has been said the government have had a "re think on the cuts" but I've not seen this anywhere xx
Hi there
I'm wondering whether your sister has got confused? The Government have scrapped the idea of reducing the PIP rates. That's all as I understand it.
In the Budget big cuts were going to be made to PIP. This is not now going to happen. If you scroll back and look for a couple of my posts that I put up on Sunday and Monday they explain it.
I heard the news several times today and bought a paper, but nothing in there about scraping PIP.
I hope this is of some help
Volunteer Administrator
hi thank you for the information my sister is 64 her birthday is 16 /01/1952 she will be 65 next year how does pip affect her please ,
Hi there
As far as I am aware, after 65 you have to apply for Attendance Allowance. I have given you a link regarding this benefit. If this does not answer your question, please come back to me and I will look into it further for you:
Lu x
Volunteer Administrator
Hi mason
I have to agree with Lu, as the government has scrapped the proposed reductions in PIP. As far as I am aware they have not announced scrapped the entire benefit. Please reassure your sister.
All my hopes and dreams for you
No unfortunately no scrapping of PIP. The thing that has been changed is the proposed changes to the points system when PIP is assessed which was due to change in January 2017 has been scrapped. If PIP had been scrapped I would be drinking Champagne at 11.30 in the morning.
I am so sorry your poor sister is so worked up about this it makes my heart ache. I have written to my lovely MP on this subject as I have been really upset by some of the distress all this uncertainty has caused forum members. He is going to write to Stephen Crabb the new minister to find out what he intends doing about it. We actually have one MP on our side. Try and get her to live on the moment as none of us know what is around the corner I have done better since I have taken every day and week at a time instead of trying to look ahead into the unknown. Give her a hug off us.x
I had to phone to change my address the other day but was given the PIP number instead of the dla one the woman I spoke to was so very rude and said you do realise you will be getting forms through to transfer over the next 12 to 18 months I said yes I was aware of that and if I wasn't so worried about losing it I would fill them in now because there is also the possibility I could be better off as when I last filled the forms in I didn't have a problem with my hands. What I would say though is if your sister is now 64 and she doesn't get forms through before she is 65 she may never have to fill them in again as they are targeting working age people and as I think 65 is still retirement age for women and men it may be unlikely that she will have the forms. I am sure I have read that somewhere. I think the best thing is to relax until you get the forms as there is nothing to be done before. I know when they come through my door I will stress but until then it's something I can't worry about I think we all have enough to deal with as it is. Take care
She will need to transfer to dvla, but she is close to the border age for attendance allowance.
Sorry I meant pip not dvla lol x
Sorry my silly fingers got the letters wrong I meant PIP. They are gradually transferring all dla adults to PIp, but pip only runs to age 64 65 plus it's attendance allowance.
Hope this helps.
You can ask for a DWP visiting officer to come out and do a home visit to help you navigate the system. Ring them and request this. 😀
Hello mason,,,,,firstly please relax,,and ask your sister to do the same,,,,
BlueMermaid3 has got the situation right and explained it well,,,,,
That budget did not do anything to explain things and that guy who said them,,went into hiding,,,,ttfn from Karen.
Happy to help a little,,,,,,