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Sammygirl90 profile image
18 Replies

How do people work with Fibro I had a pain spell at work hurt so bad I was crying to be told only there 4 hours and was left to it

So tired all the time running after 3 Young kids and Woking single mum I don’t know what to do any more

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Sammygirl90 profile image
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18 Replies

Hiya Hun I was in the very same situation and after being told if you can't do the work there's the door!! So after that I waited to take my pain medication just before I started work so when it started to kick in I didn't get as much pain and could carry on until lunch time! Then did the same at lunch! I was cleaner at the time and used a big old floor polishing machine for 8 hours a day! It was painful when I got home but then I had the bairns to deal with so I would start the cooking etc as soon as I got home! I found the more I kept moving the less the pain would happen! It was night time when the pain would be very bad I have probably lived my life around the various pain killers I've been prescribed! It's hard to get through it with no light at the end of the tunnel but my fibromyalgia has made me a much stronger person it's silly but true! Xx

Sammygirl90 profile image
Sammygirl90 in reply to

It’s the thing dr ain’t given me killer just blockers as they say they dunno what to give me as Paracetamol and ibuprofens in families are ones that I can’t take it since my body into convulsions so they haven’t bothered to try and find anything else for me

Hiya again I have been thinking about your problem maybe if you try claiming PIP that would give you a bit more income and maybe cut your hours a little! I went to a help group the first time I claimed the PIP ( disability north! ) they filled the form in and gave me a copy in case I forgot what it said and they come with you to the medical as support I won that claim I got £200 a month for 2 yrs but thought I could do it alone with my second one but I was denied! I was seen opening a door!! I thought it might help you! Xx

Sammygirl90 profile image
Sammygirl90 in reply to

Thankyou I tryed Applying last year and never heard anything back guessing it just got lost in the mail because I didn’t even get it was Denied

in reply to Sammygirl90

Phone them tell them when you claimed it and have had no word back! If they have lost it or whatever if you do get it it may be back dated! You and your family need some help both financially and medically!! Gosh Hun I hope you get the help but you know you might have to fight to get it.

in reply to

What!!!! are they crazy!!! You really need something to help you there are so many painkillers or pain blockers that are really good! I can't take those either for my stomach but they should try something gosh Hun if I hadn't have had something I would have been suicidel!! You need to go back and try again doctors should be able to take some of the pain away! I think you are a very strong person to be doing all that with no help! And when you have no pain sleep comes a little easier and a good sleep helps so much!

Sammygirl90 profile image
Sammygirl90 in reply to

Sleep when kids go there dads I sleep 24 hrs not kidding and still feels not enough. I need something I was. At work last week and my whole left side was like agony and I work in a call centre in whilst I was on the course to the customers and things like that I was literally in tears and my team leader came round looked at me and said why are you only here for four hours when you get home you can rest and then I’m sat there going on am I went meant to rest with an eight-year-old and five-year-old twins I’m really starting to feel like I’m losing the will right now

in reply to Sammygirl90

Awe Hun your strong don't get sad get mad! Sleeping for one day ain't going to do it sweetheart but like you say how on this planet can you have five minutes to yourself with 3 bairns!? I will catch up with you tomorrow Hun hands are poooped out! But I'm thinking of you! X

Sammygirl90 profile image
Sammygirl90 in reply to

Thank you Sweet xx

Al10 profile image
Al10 in reply to Sammygirl90

It used to be that being a Mum was a job in itself. Now it's something you fit in between shifts. Can't think why Mums have allowed this denigration of the most important work they will ever do. 5yr old twins? That's gonna keep you busy!

Being a Mum properly, is tiring. It is also rewarding. Especially if you take the time to do it as well as you can. The hard work you put in, is repaid over and over throughout your life as you grow your brood into lovely decent human beings. (you don't get that working in a call centre hey?)

Sadly, so many Mums are now busy out doing 'proper' work. In factories making convenience foods, cleaning for others, looking after other people's kids, answering telephones and more. All more important than 'just being a mum'.

Kids have to be more self reliant and learn their Mums are always too busy or tired for them.

Even when I was fitter with fibro, a sedentary job would finish me. Even for 'just' 4 hours. I need to keep moving. Lots of fibros do.

There isn't always a pill that works to kill fibro pain. That is a myth. Lots of us are meds free because we have tried and failed to find something helpful. A slew of serious side effects can too often negate any possible positive effects.

Others are having to come off meds because none of these miracles are supposed to be taken long term. The meds are damaging long term. Pain is a warning. A Warning we should heed. Drs don't know why we have this pain and so we must learn to ignore the warning to have any kind of a life. We learn to block it, take meds to mask it. Until one day they figure why we have the pain? And then can we take appropriate action? Or will we have done too much harm?

Could you ask for reasonable adjustments at work? Could you do something other than just sitting for a portion of the time? I've no idea what your job involves but could you trot round delivering pencils or some such, to your colleagues? If you could spend 15mins each hour moving, would that help?

When I worked, I did best with variety. I'd volunteer to make the tea, tidy up etc. Anything to keep on the move. Sitting or standing in one place was fatal. Indeed the pain would get so bad, I'd be saying I can't do this life anymore. You're a Mum, so you can't say that!!

My advice is don't do nothing. Get some advice from your GP, from the Job centre or someone re; your rights to reasonable adjustments. Look around for a job more suited to your fibro? You owe it to yourself and your family to be as well and happy as you can be. After you leave, your employer will soon forget you, your family will (hopefully) be in your life, for the rest of your life. You can quit your job or get sacked but your family, they are for keeps. Make sure you keep that in mind as you weigh your priorities.

Hope you get some balance.

Sammygirl90 profile image
Sammygirl90 in reply to Al10

I can’t look for any thing else I’ve hyper mobility to if I move to much joints pop out So desk job is what I need for that x

in reply to Sammygirl90

Go and demand pain relief from your doctor and also go get pip sorted out, if you need help with it contact citizens advice and they will keep you right.

Look after yourself, get the help that you deserve.

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer, hello, it is so demanding trying to work and bring up your children but with fibro on top it must be like climbing a mountain every day, I’ve posted a link for you to read, there is a helpline as well, you sound now you have had enough and need some help xx

Angela52afloat profile image

Hi I’m struggling at work too, I’m a special needs lsa and am signed off as just been diagnosed with fibro, I was in pain all day and found being on the floor unbearable. Sadly although my job is understanding I’m already feeling pressured to return even though I’m struggling to walk and have only been off a week🙄 . I’ve applied for p.i.p as I then may be able to drop my hours I’m so sorry your finding it so hard too.

Rita1404 profile image

How long have you worked????? I'm sure your employer as a duty of care so speak with your manager to discuss what the procedures are to Access to Work (ATW) which can help with saying you need for example a designated desk, wrist supports smaller keyboard foot rest etc etc you need a work place assessment. (That's just some stuff I got n it's helped)

do you have a union if so join if not see if you can join one. Or even get some advice from them.

ATW are fab a couple of colleagues who have various conditions were able to get taxis to and from work so it s worth while having a discussion with them.

In respect of child care can you get them to help with chores, my grandchildren 3 year twins n 10 will make up their beds, put clothes in washing etc and this makes it so much easier

you could also Google carers support team within your locale which I'm guessing you're from East side Scotland way may have a young carers group which the kids could access. They may also be able to provide short term respite????? they may also be able too assist with applying for PIP. But keep in mind it not about what you have it's how it affects your day to day life

All of the above you can Google to get more info on what they can offer and support you with.

Good luck n if you need anything else then just pm me.

Sammygirl90 profile image

I’m southern uk sweet kids do help when can be bothered lol I’m so thankful for all the support you all are given me

in reply to Sammygirl90

Hiim so sorry you are in so much pain. I can't add to what everyone else has put so I would just like to say you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to Sammygirl90

Hiya Sammygirl90 sorrry haven't gotten back to you for a while! Had a rotten week! But all ok now!! How are you doing? I see you've had a lot of advice and support which is always good! Have you had much time to yourself? Did you manage to phone the PIP place? Did you see dr about different pain medications? And how you feeling? Phew! I think I've remembered everything!! Heehee! X

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