Hello everyone, I’m finding it so hard at the moment to carry on working as in so much pain every day , I work in Greggs and it’s quiet a busy place place to work, we are constantly on our feet and running around not sure how much longer I can carry on to be honest, I wake up to feeling like I’ve been run over by a bus and so so tired all day , very scared to give up work as I’ve got kids to worry about and obviously all the bills . Anyone else in same situation? Xx
Working while having fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Working while having fibromyalgia

Hi tan I'm still waiting for my diagnosis it's so hard I no if you have a diagnosis and it's on paper u can apply for benefits try that route don't feel bad this condition is awful and your kids and health come before anything I'm still working but wake up feeling like I've been hit by a Lorry I will probably apply for help as I've worked all my life and I'm excepting now that I won't be able to for much longerxxxx

It makes me feel like il be taking the easy option if I give up work tho, I’ve got 5 kids and worked hard all my life but end of the working day can’t come fast enough, hot bath then off to bed with hot drink hot water bottles and of course my pills 😔
Yeah I totally understand I've got 3 girls oldest 11 youngest 5 and middle 8 I feel like a failure at times atleast see if you could do maybe 16 hours and still get help my friend has fibro she gets disability and works 12 hours a week also staying at home can make us more depressed but see if you could get help and cutt down every little helps xxxx

I’ve cut my hours down to 16 2 weeks ago , but still feel the same xx
Oh Hun I hope you feel better soon don't over do it and if it's to much speak to citizens advice and see if you can get help I don't no if I can stay at work much longer as I wake up every morning like I've been in car crash x
Hey Tan
I work full-time also, and I have already had time off this year because I haven't been able to get up and function. It is so hard to work and survive (I also study outside of work for my degree)…. moving to a desk based job at a company who is flexible in understanding my disability is one of the best things I've ever done; are you able to move to something more desk based at all? I do find that sometimes work saves me as it keeps me distracted and busy; but today, as I am studying for my next exam, I am really really struggling xx
Bless ya , good luck with all ur studying, it’s hard to balance work and studying xx
I bet you are on your feet all day? maybe look into a change of job? I would,n,t recommend sitting all day maybe find something that allows you to walk about aswell. if you go to local job centre and see an advisor explain your illness how it affects you (not just what you suffer from) they will help you.
I had to give up work after having a bulging disc 2 years ago. I have 2 boys. I'm on Universal Credit and PIP so actually better off than when I worked. I can now manage my pain better and can actually do things with the boys. Before it was work cook food then bed I was always worn out.
Can i ask how u went about the change from work to claiming pip ?
I have a bulging L3 disc which presses on my femoral nerve as well as fibro so was on the sick. After 3 months I applied for PIP then when work for rid of me 2 months later I had to claim Universal Credit. I got PIP because I couldn't carry out day to day tasks and use a stick and can't walk far. UC has replaced all other benefits where I live so get the lower disability rate of that. You don't have to not be working to get PIP anyone can apply for it.