Hi just wondering if anyone manages to work Full time whilst struggling with fibromyalgia???? I’m really struggling at work at the moment but can’t afford not to work x
working: Hi just wondering if anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I do and others do to. Fibro affects people to different extents.
How do you cope with the Fatigue and brain fog whilst working, I’m finding it extremely difficult and exhausting
The level of my symptoms are probably different than yours. If I am juggling to much and stress is making things worse I need to step away for a short bit. Make a coffee. Then go back and re-engage. Pacing where you can is helpful.
Brain fog is a challenge but you develop coping techniques. If you know what a memory palace is...I have a run down memory shack but it works for me😁. "Her with the funny face" or "the Russian one" are maybe clues I will utter or think depending on company that will lead to another price that will get others to tariff it be to remember who I am on about.
Let's use a silly example. Person I am thinking about is Patrick swayze. I may say was in the film with bouncers. With the guy that plays cow boys all the time, died, pancreas and was in the dancing film. I could rhyme off lots of others correct but tangential comments that will normally unlock my brain to the name 😄
This trend to happen when I am overdoing it. My memory is really good. However, my random access suffers a lot of cache misses
I work 4 days each week, it's sometimes a huge struggle. As stress affects fibro, my job can make it much worse at times and I write lists a d to do's to help with brain fog. Flexible working sometimes helps, so I can write reports and assessments when there are no other demands and distractions. I do wonder how long I'll be in work though, my job gets more and more stressful and demanding each week. I also have Bipolar disorder, so the stress is a big problem. My psychiatrist has said the jobs destabilising me and I need to rethink my employment.
Hi, Unfortunately up until November last year I have always been in the same boat as yourself. Working for employers who only care about a bum on a seat! Not interested in Fibromyalgia or Arthritis from other injuries. I have only ever taken days off for Covid, even in my darkest days. You'll only find support from others who have the condition or loved ones. The work environment in this country will only make things much worse. Take advice from Citizens Advice, or Fibromyalgia Action UK to see if you are able to find a way around your financial situation if possible. Give through your financial needs, not wants to see if this can be altered. At least try to find work if you have to, which is part-time. Don't make the mistake I did in this disability unfriendly environment. You need to look after yourself or the stress alone will make things bleak. Stay strong in mind and there will be a way to improve things for you. Good Luck and take this step to improve your future as nothing iz mire important than your health ☺️xx
Could you give up one day. My daughter has a Wednesday off and literally stays in bed all day. She works 3 ten hour days. I gave up work due to the condition. I had already given up my full time job and had a part time easy job which I loved. I had to give that up as well as I just couldn't cope.
It's so hard I don't know how people who have this condition do it. Have you got PIP? Talk to CAB to see if there is anything you can do to alleviate your work load at work. They do have a duty of care.
Good luck and I so hope you find some answers.
hi, I’m sorry you’re finding work a struggle. I can identify with you. I had to give up my job a few years ago because I had a boss who wouldn’t accept that I needed to work part time. Would you be able to manage part time hours? That might take the pressure off. It was a struggle financially for me to stop work but I couldn’t physically or mentally continue . Health wise it was the best decision I ever made. Getting PIP has kept the wolves from the door. Maybe you could look at applying for that?
I can definitely sympathise with you. I am a carer and do 3 or sometimes 4 days a week. Full days almost kill me, I can hardly get up the stairs at the end of the day. I prefer half days, which I mostly do, but when they almost break me. No one seems to grasp the difficulties of even getting in and out of the car. I also now have severe carpal tunnel in my right (dominant) hand and awaiting surgery. Days off are wastes doing nothing in readiness for another work day....what is the point? Fed up 😞