Hi Community,
My Dr has told me that he's seeking to go through the proceedure of trying to diagnose me with Fibromyalgia telling me its an 'elimination' type of diagnosis.
I have been very physically unwell for some years and symptoms are worsening. I also have endometriosis which has reoccured post Total Hysterectomy b.so.
The worsening symptoms I have are:
Chronic Fatigue
Muscle/joint pain
In particular in my upper arms, shoulders
Low mood
Reocurring mouth ulcers
Hopeless thoughts
Susceptible to Thrush
Pins and needles in fingers and face
Involuntary leg twitches are quite new
Chronic back pain in coccycs
Cognitively slower
Dropping items
Brain Fog, losing words
Hair thinning out all over
Nails growing upwards and bad quality
No Motivation
Im devastated as to what Ive become and seem to have no fight left in me.
Im too sore to exercise and have suffered two flare ups in the new year when trying to better myself with exercise.
I feel like my life is over and it cant be, I have a 4 yr old boy to look after.
Can anyone help me understand what tests he may put me through in terms on eliminating other conditions and for confirmimg Fibromyalgia?
I take a good multivitamin plus glucosamine sulphate plus cod liver oil daily off my own accord.
What kind of medication treats fibromyalgia? Are they mainly neuralgial pain relievers?
Thank you for any information in advance.