In so much pain just want to cry 😫My feet ankles knees hips and back are in agony and my arms hands feel like weights on them Had meds and Gel on. With no release to the pain
Pain PAIN: In so much pain just want to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I’ve been the same all day, even had hot showers, on the sofa cos I cant sleep, even the cat has deserted me lol. Hope you pain improves and you get some rest xx
You are describing me, went to gp last week in burning agony, hoping for practical help, meds’ not touching it at all, she looked at me and said ‘well you walked in here alright’. She wasn’t even looking at me, I was walking like a 90 year old. Refused to change med, X-ray on my throbbing buttocks from a fall - not necessary!! I left in tears as she thrust a tissue at me. Swore to never see that woman again.ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜±. Still stuck on bed today, fingers all on fire, everything else burning and throbbing. Thank God for my rapidly failing sense of humour. It’s my sanity saver.😂 Hang in there everybody xxx
Now what you were told pi**ed me off. The last doctor I walked out on said "well, you say you're in pain, but at least you're upright." Honestly, I wanted to say "how'd you like me you make you horizontal?" But as Fibro suffers know, if you finally get fed up and "pop" someone, you'll be in even MORE pain. Of course hitting someone is being melodramatic, but we can only be pushed so far. So sorry for your pain. Been in a flare for going on my 3rd week and am pretty much fed up with it.
That. Is the problem they don't see us in pain if your lucky we may get to see are GP now an again but in my doctored it telephone consultations over the phone as everything is down to fibromyalgia but don't see you and they don't see the pain we suffer at night and not able to sleep because of it Big hugs to all my fellow suffers as we are the only one who no are pain xxx
I have a theory that before any gp is allowed to qualify they should be given a 30 minute session Of simulated pain containing every single pain that a patient with chronic pain will suffer. THEN they will be qualified to pass judgement on suffering patients, and would see us through different eyes. 😱
Yes, it's horrible. I like most of you have many other conditions. I had to go to the drs yesterday with more than one thing. He was very nice and prescribed me antibiotics for a diverticulitis flare up. Anyway, would you believe it they gave me chronic stomach pain and also around my liver as I have Nash ( non alcoholic steatohepititis) caused by meds from my drs! I phoned the drs this morning thinking he would just be able to give me another prescription but no I've got to go and see him this afternoon!!! There's certain meds I'm on and I have conditions where I'm not allowed to take this medication-metronidazole!! It's unbelievable!! Love and hugs to you all Lynne xxxx
Good morning from the other side of the pond
The last doctor who made the crack "well, you might be in a LOT of pain, but at least you're horizontal". In an effort to make me feel guilty I suppose. But, unlike you who are probably a lot kinder than me :), I said, how about I super heat about a dozen forks, and with the help of friends begin jamming them into various parts of your body that is wracked with pain, and everyone begins turning them one way and then the other. Listening to you scream. And while it's OBVIOUS you can't go on that way for much longer, toss out these words of wisdom, "gosh, I know you're miserable, but at least you're horizontal." Bet you wouldn't be thinking about much else other than how to STOP THE PAIN. As an aside: I have read that of all illnesses Fibromyalgia is at the top of the list of sufferers giving up and committing suicide. I can't verify the validity of that article, but regardless, can understand how a person dealing with so much pain and believing in their own mind that since it appears there is no way out might have a thought like that cross their mind. The dear, kind people on this forum are providing quite a service, whether they know it or not, by sharing a portion of their lives with strangers, because they know they won't be looked down on for venting whatever frustration they might be feeling at the time. Their words can be quite inspiring that helpful to others suffering. There is none better than HealthUnlocked. (And no, I wasn't slipped an extra "fiver" for the compliment. Giggle.)