Has anyone tried this super nerve power as advertised on eBay?
Super nerve power : Has anyone tried... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Super nerve power
Id be very wary of anything that promises big, or has vague claims, especially on sites like EBay and F/book.
Just what is meant my " super nerve power"? It's a very vague description ( non description really as it tells you nothing) Are the ingredients listed with their strengths? Is it sourced from a well known company ?
At best it could be totally harmless powders mixed together. At worst it could be anything..
Many thanks for your honest opinion. I will be saving my money.
think that's wise. Many people out there with many claims and anecdotal evidence is the best they can provide. Not saying anecdotal evidence is all fake but if big pharma relied on it for their drug trials we would be calling them out for it.
£21.95 for one month's supply of tablets seems expensive. Their site says "variety of ingredients which act in a cog wheel like fashion to help working of each other. Ginkgo Biloba increase glucose intake in the mitochondria which is the power house of the cell. 5 HTP increase serotonin. Phosphotidyl serine and Guarna helps neurotransmission"
It gives a list of ingredients with figures---- but doesn't say what the figures are----- grams, percentages, micro grams, could mean anything. Eat well, cut out sugar and refined foods and you're unlikely to be deficient in any vitamins or minerals. If you supplement when you already have sufficient your body will excrete the water soluble ones and store fat soluble. I'd save your money, £21.95 each month buys a lot of fresh fruit and veg !
I haven't heard about this but I also feel it is best to err on the side of caution with these so called 'miracle' products. As advice above you cannot always be sure the reviews are from valid sources and not embellished to encourage vulnerable people to part with their money. You've done the right thing to post for others experiences so you can make an informed choice, however in my mind if something was really helping the Fibromyalgia community i feel people would be discussing it all over the place!!! 😊
DONT DO IT is the simple answer, stick with professional treatments they are tried and tested and proven
never buy anything like this.fake hope for us suffering.no way take rubbish of the net.please avoid