Does anyone else get pain all over the body? For example I get it in the bones above my eyes . My ribs an arms loads
Pain : Does anyone else get pain all... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes I get pain everywhere it moves about the body even my hair follicles hurt ☹️ I hope you find some relief xx
Thanks so much for answering! Parts of my body constantly hurt to touch . Do yours xx
Hi yes ive noticed recently I appear hair sore- if I tie my hair back my whole scalp hurts when I let it down, a quick wash under the warm shower seems to relieve it, infact I have found most areas immersed in warm water respond , I have used hydrotherapy for 17 years
Yes I have all over pain - at different degrees each day. Neese
Yes, so do I and I have other conditions where pain keeps me awake at night. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hope your okay ! That’s so much for replying cxxx
Yes I get pain every possible place . I get itching a lot often at bedtime. It’s murder when I scratch myself without thinking with the pain . If I get cold which isn’t that often now it feels like my bones are cold inside me . It’s a horrible feeling it makes the pain worse. Sometimes the pain disappears as fast as it comes then somewhere else hurts. Hope you can get relief soon .🙂
Tell me about it !!!!
I anso have pain everywhere but also get numbness in hands feet head and its constant on left side of face but does vary in how much of face n weather it effects my sightvin that eye i have wide spread pain but certain bits of bone like just above my wrist i have a patch about 4 ish inches that gives me pain n same on my lower leg both on the inside bone xxxxx
Hi Anna b! Yes I do every part of my body from head to toe but it's so deep inside I Could scream!I have had every medication going but nothing helps .the awful thing is constant drives your mad everyday.l hope you can find something that works for you.bear in mind I have had fun to for 20 years what a cruel affliction it is ! Sending big hugs !
Yes I get pain everywhere i including my eyes.
Yes i do my cheek bones really hurt and just under my bum sometime i could cry with it
My son-in-law gets facial pain with his fibro-so awful, I understand about "bum pain" it can be bending for too long that pulls those muscles to soreness, I cannot squat as I cannot get up again and so I tend to lean forward when dusting/cleaning those hard to reach areas,, ive invested in a Gtech pro, lighweight, versatile, does thecar too, reaches the cobwebs....
Thanks for all your kind messages! Sorry to hear what u all have to go through . This group really helps x
Yeah, head to toe.
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Yeah I get pain every where. Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I also get migraines bout 4 times a week. I take 80 mg propananol twice a day to prevent them but it doesn't work xx
homing in on your migraine trouble hun- I was admitted to hospital with a suspected sub arachnoid some years ago- it turn out its the muscles at the back of the neck that go up into a "V" shape into the skull that set off the migraine, I take Sumatriptine for the onset and I am waiting for some physio intervention for the neck stretching.. does that sound familiar?

Hi hope you are well. I can't take sumitryptan as I had a stroke years ago when I was 18. I have just been to my gp, she has prescribed a different preventative to try for 3 months. I hope that does the trick. She's thinks they are being triggered by my back. I have fractured a verterbrae and migraines have defo been worse since then. I'm doing hydrotherapy and stretch as much as I Can. Thanks very much for your message. What a lovely group this is. I'm glad their are people out there that really understand, even though I wish yous didn't, if you know what I mean. Take care xx
Hi yes get pain all over 😢
Oh hell, yes! I often say that, if you took off all of the bits that hurt, all you'd be left with is a pair of boobs!
Hi, It seems that Fibro just loves to play, the which part will be in agony today game, this morning when I finally managed to stand up both my feet felt like someone had taken a hammer to them in the night, but no pain meds seem to truelly work, so I have a daily argument with Fibro and at the moment I think I am sort of winning. Just try to stay strong and keep positive, gentle hugs Pita.
Yes I do too. I have muscle tendon and flesh ‘rigidity throughout my whole body. Nothing is missed! Though I am loaded with pain meds for it. I hope you can find more relief for your pain. Rosy x
know what you mean hun- sometimes just pain meds are not enough, I have used hydrotherapy now for 17 years, I had anky spon (if you know what that is) and fibro came off the back of it, both ilness have benefitted from hydro..its better than sex sometimes....
Yes, ribs, toes, elbows, pelvis. Anywhere and everywhere really
Not sure how much anatomy knowledge you have so excuse if I seem to" teaching grandmother to suck eggs" eys have muscles behind them and yes they do ache,,warm water compress or cucumber patches help me, most joints have a muscle attach, the tip of the muscles can get "tatty" with fibro, you need to get some info on how to pump up those sore areas, maybe a physio or better still hydrotherapy sessions.

Thankyou xxxxx
Yes. Even my fingernails ache! I often have my earlobes aching too. It sounds totally crazy as i write it, but thats how it is. x
Yes. i dont think there is 1 cm of my body that is without pain. Its really miserable.