Hi all some advice please had my pip appeal today. I had finished work 5 months before I applied for pip. But have made such a mistake tried to work in between that lasted two weeks. It was on my medical records so so then that means I was only on the sick for two months. So I'd say I won't win now
Pip appeal: Hi all some advice please... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip appeal

You can work and still get pip. I don’t see why it will go against you, you tried and couldn’t keep it up. If anything I would say it shows how the illness has affected you.
Correct me if i am wrong but I thought pip was being dumped and UC coming into effect instead which is meant to be harder to claim?
I would be surprised if UC was given for Fibro to be honest or any sort of benefit as it isn’t a disability
"I would be surprised if UC was given for Fibro to be honest or any sort of benefit as it isn’t a disability"
sorry but why? It does not matter your condition or whether you are disabled. it matters whether you pass the assessment and this is tested on you being able to or not able to do certain things.
Is pip based on disability specifically? But UC combines any health issues/working tax credits/child care stuff?
perhaps this will help you: carersuk.org/help-and-advic...
and this for UC: carersuk.org/help-and-advic...
Cool excellent thanks I actually thought anybody who worked either FT or PT despite having Fibro for eg wasn’t entitled to anything whatsoever
person in a wheelchair may need help due to their condition but with a ramp can work fine. Disabled, entitled to benefits and able to work. All separate things.
Seems so, I thought everything was now amalgamated into this UC and if you are at all receiving income salary from an employer then even if you are unwell with an illness such a Fibro you ain’t entitled to anything just consistently paying into the country!

Post about UC here healthunlocked.com/fibromya...

Universal credit and pip are two completely separate things

No, it's not being dumped, UC is going to take over benefits like ESA, JSA, Income Support etc. PIP won't be replaced by UC.
Ah right I thought all benefits including pip were being scrapped so it is just ONE title that everything falls under

UC will be taking over ESA eventually but not pip as far as I know. As for fibro being a disability it’s how it bad it affects you. I know there’s a petition going to parliament asking for it to be recognised as a disability.
On benefits and work website it states that fibromyalgia is now a recognised disability so petition must have been successful
Do you have a link please?
What page is it on, please?
Not sure it was about 2 weeks ago but you can normally look back through what has happened it’s a really good site
Ok, thanks
researchbriefings.parliamen... This is the link for when it was debated in January with the mp’s
Yeah, I listened to the debate, it was pretty interesting
The group that did the petition have been talking about some news they have from another visit to London but they can't yet tell people what it is as they need to wait for it to be made public. I hope it doesn't take too long! I don't know how you get links from FB posts otherwise I'd link it to you.
I was told by St Thomas’ Hospital London that pain is a disability.

PIP is not awarded for a disability, illnesses or the volume of medication you are taking .it is awarded on your abilities to meet and do the PIP descriptors in a safely, repeatable and timely manner in acordence with the PIP regulations. PIP is not being replaced.

Fibro is a disability
Right I get it. Fibro tends to affect people so differently too I mean I go along fine for weeks then dreadful for weeks some how work place then becomes confused as to the dramatic drop in my health then a period of stabilisation again
You can work and get PIPS. They base their assessment on what you can’t do.
I am on PIP and UC. I got full mobility points for PIP but UC say I'm fit for work. The system is a joke.
Am i right in saying the DWP dont recognise fybro as a disability?
Fibromyalgia is a disability if you satisfy the definition in the UK's Equalities Act 2010. You're disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. DWP follow this legislation.
Uc is different it covers all benefits but I don’t know if pip is actually included as that’s a seprerate benefit I’m sure it’s on it’s own it’s a disability benefit even if there all payed together there all separate benefits just payed in the one payment I’d ask citizens advice or wait a coupele of weeks maybe three and phone to ask for update on your pip they’ll tell you if decisions been made or with accessor then ask them for. Update on your claim usuallly get a letter telling you it’s with accessor but I’d phone and ask Do think it’s separate claim just payment. That are put into one but they’d still be asseced differently
Hi, usually they let you know at the tribunal?
Pip is totally different from UC think you might be thinking of esa and if you are entitled to the contribution based esa that is not covered under UCeither I work and get pip I also get working tax credits it is the working tax that is moving to UC
Oh god having to go to tribunal is bad enough not getting a decision while there is bad ..hope it goes well
No they said I would get a letter in a few days
Don't think I will get it to be fair. But thanks
Its hateful having to wait.
I live in an area where universal Credits are already up and running, I applied for pip after and got Standard rate on both . I have my ESA Assessment on Friday so fingers crossed but when o went to job centre I was the first to apply for employment Esa and nobody really new how to complete form. I did get Esa . Pip I get paid monthly and lower rate Esa every 2 weeks. But see what happens on Friday. I am too ill to work but might need to go back if no luck at the assessment, been off a year now but I know if I go back I will end up collapsing again and back in hospital 🏥 . Hope you get it sorted 💝
You can contact DWP
And put that forwards towards you claim
Tell them what has happened and you are worried
Kind regards 😊
Hi all lost my appeal
Thanks I will reapply at the end of march