Well after months of waiting had my pip appeal last week, I felt like I was on trial for murder, and it's been rejected so not only am I in horrendous pain, the worst fibro flare up I've ever had,I'm struggling to make ends meet
Pip appeal : Well after months of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip appeal

Hi Lesley, sorry to here about your pip rejection but does not surprise me at all i had 4 work and pension assessments and failed them all trouble is this system is greatly flawed and the culprit is your Government.
The only advice i can give you is try going on benefit&work website they help people to achieve a positive outcome but you would probably have to pay a subscription fee not sure how much but they have an array of information that could be useful to you.
Hope this helps you out and stick with it and be strong and mindful.
That don't surprise us they never listen to anyone how you feel they all have there own ideas but if the suffered like we all do Prehaps they would understand what it is like
So sorry about the result it must be soul destroying. Remember there is no reason why you can't reapply but this time get all the help you can by getting perhaps the CAB or an advocate to help you fill in the form. Janet the Fibromyalgia Action UK advisor also has a wealth of information. Benefits and Works guides are well worth the years subscription, it is only about £18 and I used their guides when my husband had to go to ESA Tribunal and also for filling in my PIP form. Good luck with everything.x
Thankyou I will I've also been diagnosed with arthritis in my feet and depression. This year has got to have been the worst of my life up to now my dad was diagnosed with cancer just before Christmas and the bottom fell out of my world when we lost him at the end of January and my mum has dementia and there's only me to look after her.
I really know the feeling. For absolutely years we have just bounced from one crisis to another. So sorry your Dad died you didn't have very much time at all to prepare yourself for his death. I can imagine the arthritis diagnosis, fibro a and a your Dad's death contributed a to your suffering with depression. . So many people who had never I had depression before see to develop it after the I fibro diagnosis.
I can empathize about having to a look after people.My mother was 83 and had been widowed for years and she had cancer and only lasted 4 months. I am an only child and was working part time at a new job, was already helping a friend/neighbour with terminal cancer and my mother in law was ill. Strangely my body seemed to cope while it had to and then afterwards I think I caught every bug that was going. My husband's brother is dying of cancer and my husband has cancer and you just start to wonder what life is going to throw at you next.
I suppose all that you can do is to do is keep on plugging on each day at a time. Try to get all the help you can with the forms if you feel you have the energy to try again. See also what help you can get with Mom even if it is just a few hours a week so you can have a little time to recharge your batteries.xxx
It's so wrong the whole system I've never put in for pip after having to go through appeal for e.s.a. to get 21 points and be put into work programme its a joke I miss so many appointment s because I'm just not able to attend