Seriously pi***d off I'm already battling several illnesses at 35 years of age to now finding out i have started the menopause i am so sick and tired of it it's just one thing after another after another why can't my body just give me a break ffs
Menopause : Seriously pi***d off I'm... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi I really feel for u u have come to rite place to get support we r all suffering from multiple diagnosis talk to us many good ideas on here hope u feel better take care
fibro just keeps giving doesn't it I too went through early menopause aged 30. Can't offer much advice except to say many of my friends are now going through the menopause at the usual age and appear to be suffering more than I did. Feel free to rant there is always someone around to respond even if we can't be of much help a listening ear is always welcome.

I'm also dealing with menopause and fibromyalgia.... So understand you're frustrations (tho I'm 50 next birthday so don't have the frustration of being younger) xxx
Last week it was sleep apnea this week it's menopause just one thing after another x
Hi same here type 1 diabetes fibromyalgia and menopause.
I feel for you hon. I started menopause at 38 (I’m now 41) and I’ve just been diagnosed fibro amongst others. Have been wondering if these were linked and after reading lots in here I think so! I’ve been told also that the earlier you have it the less of a b*$@h it is, silver lining perhaps for us both? 😏 Keep your chin up (poking my hairy one out now with you!) xxx
Hi Milton, I know what you are going through. I too was hit early in life with fibromyalgia, CFS and friends (not to me) but I was 41 when my periods stopped! The end no more. My doctor wrote on my lab report that said I was post menopausal “I’m surprised!” That didn’t bother me because I already had my kids and I didn’t miss the periods. My identical twin sister went through hers about 10yrs later. The hot flashes which I’m having one now started up years later in life. The thing that bothers me the most is my cognitive functions. Memory and other skills like talking get jumbled up and my words don’t come out right. It is frustrating because writing my spelling sucks so I’m scared 😟 that one day I won’t be able to communicate. I am 57. I know your frustration at age 35 you should be still going strong but your body isn’t cooperating. Plus your friends and family don’t understand. I do and so do others on this forum. 🤗💕🦋🌻💜
Thank you i too am having bad hot flushes they are horrific my periods have stopped but that doesn't bother me i was sterilized 4 years ago so i didn't want any more children but it's a good job isn't it x
Not suprised you are feeling like that, I was in the same boat, failing health from 19, early menopause late twenties. One think I would ask of your GP (if you can face him/her) is to check your Thyroid and also get a copy of the results, i know my doctors often missed flagged up things.
Hope things improve for you, natural progesterone made a massive difference to me
Best wishes