I am hoping that someone out there will be able to help me, after struggling to.get any from doctors.
I woke up one Tuesday morning with a completely numb left foot, I hadn’t had any symptoms the previous day, hadn’t knocked it or anything. This freaked me out a bit, so got a doctors appointment to ask her for advice and she had no clue what this was.
I have had ongoing back/sciatic problems for years, but if anything my back has been better than usual before this happened so not convinced this has anything to do with this. I have had this now for nearly 11 weeks, and have had a few different appointments over this, but all my gp will concentrate on is the fact I have had a scan 6 months ago and it was ok, but I keep saying that doesn’t mean that something hasn’t happened after that but she now says I have to wait to see y consultant which isn’t until September and I can’t keep using crutches to walk until then.
If anyone has had anything like this or any ideas to help I would be so incredibly grateful, this is not doing anything for my mental wellbeing.
Looking forward to some help xx