Hi everyone! Im new to this forum and not particularly good at sharing things about myself but i have been chatting with friends and one has advised me that my symptoms are very very similar to hers and she has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have been to the gp a few times now and informed him of my symptoms and he ran blood tests to see if i was Vitamin D deficient - i was but as i explained to him, ive had a lot of my symptoms since i was a child. He has given me Gabapentin to help with my lack of sleeping and also help with pajn but its not really helping and im unsure what to say when im there again Friday. My symptoms include:
Aches in my legs - most days - but this is more than a normal ache, feels like my bones have been deep frozen & put back in my body. I am constantly aware of being uncomfortable but at least 3 times a week am in real pain and pain killers dont touch it. I feel this in my pelvis and all the way down to feet. Not just a muscular ache but a real deep bone ache
Sensitivity - now and again - i have a very uncomfortable feeling on my skin when something like a cardigan brushes against it.
Tired - all the time completely exhausted.
Cannot sleep - most nights
RLS - once or twice a week, at night adding to not being able to sleep.
Ankle pain - every day - for the past 18 months my right ankle has hurt. It is very stiff and painful in the morning and eases slightly to allow kore movement but i get a red hot burning sensation in it.
I just wondered what everyone else lives with and is there a light at the end?
Thank you xx