can you buy cbd oil from holand and barrats
cbd: can you buy cbd oil from holand... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

yes. 20 quid a bottle.
didn't do much for me.

yes - H & B do a cbd oil however it is very weak strength and often is not strong enough to be of much benefit.
I found it didn't touch my pain, I am now trying the medipen vape which helps but can't use it before bed as it stops me sleeping. Hope you find something that works.
Yes you can but don't wáte your money it's totally crap you need to go online to get a top supplier of it.
Theirs is derived from an inadequate strain of the plant......for CBD to work for pain it needs a tiny amount of THC to be present, and this stuff is from a non-THC producing hemp.
It's to do with legislation as much as fraudulence. THC is technically illegal in GB and Ireland even though its presence in decent CBD oil wouldn't get a mouse high.
It's not great quality. Made from hemp oil rather than cannibiniol I believe. More expensive oils are more effective. I use CBD oil but would never buy from there
Yes u can £20 a bottle.don't waste your money tried it about 3mt ago didn't help one bit .no good
Yes but it is hemp oil so it not a good strain of cbd oil and it will not b strong enough for ur pain.
A good legal cbd oil that is good strain and will help u will b more expensive then 10quid im afraid.
Cbd brothers or love cbd are to good legal uk based companies that know there stuff that u can contact explain and they will help u with whats best for u