Hi all I am a fibro/ slipped disc / Osteo arthritis in neck / lods more and really bad dyslexia so just a hi and to tell u all there’s still hope for to have love in your live . Me and my man met 7 years ago a year after we where together I got I’ll sore u name it I had it couldn’t walk far at all I had a great job looking after elderly . My man worked to but it all wend down hill for me I felt like life was over I told him to leave if he wanted his words: NO WHO GONNA COOK MY AMAZING MEALS FOR ME YOUR STUCK WITH ME ! 😵 ever since that day he gave up good job off 17 years and became my carer because I fell pregnant 2014 had little boy I try’ so hard to look after him broke my hart i coldest get down stairs with him in my arms my legs wouldn’t hold . SO MY MAN MY HERO SAID ITS TIME TO GIVE UP WORK I CANT WACH U ITS BRAKING MY HART. so he did then in 2017 I had a baby girl maya she essentially doing well when she was born it was hard on us all . She is better now tho but my man has been by my side for 7 years and he said he will always help me I waited 9 years on him and I thank god I have him . Moral off my story my mums says WHATS FOR U WILL NEVER GO PASSD U SOFT HUGGS TO U ALL KEEP FIGHTING . P.S I tell him every day I love him don’t get me wrong we do have bad times but he always there when I need a hug or a it’s all going to be ok ❤️❤️❤️ Or to help xxx
Fibro&love it’s out there I promis x - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro&love it’s out there I promis x

sounds like you have a lovely, caring understanding partner ... one to hang onto xxx
Hi Hun, congratulations lovely, you appear to have one of the few good men out there. I’m so pleased you have a supportive partner. Please take care of yourself. Love and hugs xx🤗
Thank u I don’t think I will ever let him go lol funny thing is he doesn’t think he dose enough. But he dose everything . I have set up a weekend with his frend for him to have a brake he needs it his family taking the kids my mum and sis keeping an eye on me if I need them so he better go have fun lol he will phone and c if am ok lol xxxx
Anyone got a sick bucket... joke you can’t have the perfect man cause I already have him
He sounds like a good man !
However I have not been so lucky and the relationship I was in when diagnosed ended soon after, and the couple I have had since ended because of Fibro. I have given up on Love !