Constants pain in shoulder and shoulder blades, pins and needles in little right hand finger, general aches and pains plus confusion and dizziness, had CT scan on Head and Neck all normal just the degeneration of T5 and T6 apparently normal for a 48 year old, blood test shows occasional high white blood count then it goes back to normal everything else from blood count is fine thyroids etc.
Looking for People with same symptoms - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Looking for People with same symptoms

Hi and a warm welcome to our community. Here you will find information support friendship and laughter too. You can find general information on fibromyalgia at our main website
If tests have been done to rule out other causes of your symptoms, then fibromyalgia may be a possible cause
Thank you
High wbcs can be from inflammation. It happens to me a lot!!
Does your go back to normal after a week or two then Cari that’s what seems to happen with me and thanks for the reply
Hi I have severe pain in my left shoulder constantly and shoulder plus pins and needles as you describe also bad hip pain I am going to hospital on Friday for a pain relief infusion so hopefully get some relief take care xx
Yes I also get pain in right hip sometimes it feels like it’s giving way love to here more of your problems
Yes I have pain in my left shoulder blade at times which is unbearable, also constant pain in my hips and lower back, and in my shins. I don't get dizziness often, but I do have the dreaded 'fibro fog', where I get really confused, can't remember the name of things, can't get my words out, it really makes me angry with myself. I haven't had any issues with my WBC.
Thanks for your reply all this information really helps 👍

My wbc is actually low but it does fluctuate with each blood test. I have dizziness and a weak feeling and pain in neck and shoulders and tingling in hands and sometimes burning hands and feet. All weird symptoms. Nothing much on scans apart from wear and tear and apparently I had suffered a TIA but was unaware if it. Took ages to get a diagnosis. Process of elimination.
Yeah it all seems the same but different if you get what I mean, but let’s keep posting it helps all of us and thank you Pat.
Hey that is me about shoulders, aches and pains dizziness and confusion. Blood tests always normal. But for me that is the tip of the iceberg. I hope that is all you have.
Please tell me more if possible maybe we have similar conditions thanks for reply
I have fibromyalgia, Hocca, took years to diagnose. I was under observation for Lupas for a long time until a student under my rheumatologist diagnosed me using pressure points. I have always had pain the shoulder and aches, but pins and needles that spread to the arm, sometimes shaking is a new one. I ache all over but my major pain is muscles under the feet, they can't take my weight. So I can only walk or stand for a few minutes. The problem is I have water retention which makes weight issues worse. And yes all sorts of test have come back normal. No matter how extreme my diet, I don't lose weight. But keto stops me from putting on more weight and helps on prediabets. I have most of the classic symptoms, insomnia, IBS, chronic fatigue, fibrofog, restless leg, neck pains, arthritis, Raynauld's syndrome, etc. I get new ones and old ones get worse. But I keep a journal now to keep track of everything.
Thanks for your time and comments it helps all of us

The confusion is terrible. I don’t like talking to anyone I’m not familiar with because I lose my train of thought and they must think I’m a bit soft in the head!
Don’t worry about that I feel the same like I’m on cloud land most times
Oh, Patdoyle. Try speaking in public with fibrofog. I lose words, I lose trend of thought but waffle around until I come back to what I was saying. Embarrassing. I am planning to come clean with my diagnosis and ask people to bear with me. I don't remember faces and I don't remember names of people I have met worse. That causes a lot of offense.
Ive been battling with pains stress anxiety and depression most of my life. Brain fog thats a family joke. When mri showed nothing i was made to feel like a timewaster. Only when my daughter showed me an article on fibro with a messsge this is you mum, did i research. Stress of selling and moving for most of 2020 gave me a massivve flare up. Woke up on my side. My hips were so sore. Often agony. Foggy brain. Stressed anxious. No sleep. Ive had to have a hysterectomy to deal with those issues.nI put this all and more in to a letter to the gp cus i didnt want to rush an appointment. She read it rang and confirmed my conclusions. My sugestion would be research and go armed with a list of why you hink it is fibro.
Hope this helps. Good luck
I’ve had every test going I’m just waiting on audiology and mri which I had to argue for with my Dr because all they keep saying is it’s panic and anxiety which does come into effect when your constantly worrying about all the pain symptoms
Thats whst my doctor kept saying infact 3 doctors told me it was anxiety but i was getting panic attavks to severe unusual pains in different places it was only when i saw my gp for 15th time and said im not no lunatic im in so much pain i feel like im dying i can not cope with this no more he took notice and he knew by looking in my eyes i was in real physical pain he reffered me to rheumatologist with in 10 miniutes i was diagnosed after a year of going to docs and hospital with chronic unexplained pain i actually felt like sectioning my self at one point im glad im diagnosed but get knew very painful symtoms new one is glass like stabbing pain in hips no magic pill just pain relief and anti depressants still no sleep it is what it is just gotta keep going x
Doctors tried to blame anxiety for a lot of my symptoms too. I had to be quite firm with them. Of course you get anxious because you feel awful and feel as though you’re losing your health and nobody is listening.
That’s exactly true Pat because they are the ones that but you on the medication then they treat you like some kind of idiot afterwards as if your making things up in your mind.
have the same problem, on and off, I find that if I have my vertebrae moved into alignment, then the pain and pins and needles goes away, to a large degree. Constant physio and massage keeps the neck and shoulders from stiffening up too much, and plenty of magnesium helps the muscles.
Thanks for the reply
I was wondering if you had a heart Dr? Only because I had symptoms like this in 2015. I went to a new rheumatologist and was excited and anxious about it thinking a fresh new start. It was nothing like I thought it would be. The dr came in without any charts sat beside me and told me if I did cardio 30 minutes a day he promised I would feel better. I told him I had more symptoms that I didn’t have before. Right shoulder pain, pain going up my neck and into my jaw. I used to run a restaurant! I was a busy person! I loved working! He appeased me by ordering an X-ray and was done with me. I left in tears.... on the way home I told my husband to take me to the ER. I got in right away. I am allergic to aspirin. The Dr in the ER. “Are you sure your allergic to aspirin?” 🙄. I had a heart attack in front of both of them. Only way they could tell was through the bloodwork. They sent me for a catherization at a heart hospital. I just want women to be aware that it’s not black and white with chest pain and the left side. We are our own best advocate. I also add it runs in our family. 2 do my siblings 1 I lost. So I’m already aware it’s possible. Please just consider getting a basic look at for your heart. ❤️
Yeah I’ve had all checks and the pain is muscle under shoulder blade only when I move it never experienced jaw pain only neck pain which is more panic and anxiety related
I have constant right shoulder pain radiating to the back of my neck, there is popping sounds on the lower back of my head to top of the neck - head MRI negative, I get burning pain on my arms and hands and occasional pins and needles along my little fingers on both hands. Get dizzy spells too. As for fibro fog it’s getting worse, I start to say something and completely forget what I wanted to say then it would stress me out trying to work out what was on my mind. I have put teaspoons in the bin and teabags in the sink lol left hip pain making it so hard coz if I sleep on my left- hip doesn’t allow it then I turn to the right but my shoulder won’t take it, then would try sleeping on my front then pins and needles and numbness on arms, can’t lie on my back for too long either coz back and neck won’t entertain it oh what a life! And this is only just some of my symptoms 😃
Do you get a sort of electric shock feeling when sometimes your trying to fall asleep when you close your eyes like a brain buzz and it makes you short of jump up
No haven’t experienced that one. I only feel my heart beat pounding on the pillow. We could right a book about these symptoms lol ...
Definitely especially in lockdown 👍