I have this continual burning ache down my buttocks and legs. It’s making me so miserable. Every few days I feel so ill - tired, nauseous and unable to do anything. Does anyone else have these symptoms and is there anything that I can do to help myself. I really feel that I don’t have a life! I know lots if you will relate to this in one way or another and I’m sorry for moan. I’m just feeling sorry for myself!
Burning Ache: I have this continual... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Burning Ache

Oh bless you Hun, I’m so so sorry that you’re suffering so much. It sounds like you may have sciatica to me. I suffer from this daily as I have a benign spinal tumour, and unfortunately for me it never goes away.
Don’t get disheartened though as for most people it goes away after 4-6 weeks. You should speak to a pharmacist out of hours for advice about painkillers, otherwise speak to your doctor about it. You can also use heat packs to try and help alleviate the pain. The cold weather definitely affects. I would definitely recommend that you make an appointment to see your doctor for advice as it could be something else.
Please take care of yourself and let me know how you get on. It’s such a horrible pain to be suffering. My heart truly goes out to you. Wrap up warm and gentle hugs to you Hun xx🤗🤗
Hello there. I had the same. For me it was trochandiritis. I did 2 cortizone injections with a large needle(very important to go deep) a specialist orthopedic at the trochantiritis area and now it is almost gone!!! It lasts up to 1 month but as your life gets back to normal with minimum pain things get better and the inflamation goes away.. I thought the same that my life is over, i will never walk properly and i wont leave the house but i am now extremely better! Hope this helps! See an orthopedic! Good luck!
Thank you for your reply. It is not really my hip. It is my bottom that aches all the time and down the back of my legs. I’m so glad that you got a solution and your pain has gone. Xx
Hello again. Check for sacroilitis... it is very difficult to diagnose and sometimes it is not visible in mri. There are injections for sacroilitis as well. Had that for 2 years as well.. Best of luck and try to find a solution. See 10 doctors if necessary dont stick to just one or two.. xoxo
Oh thanks a lot for all your help. This sounds as if we might be on the right track. I’ve been to physios who say that my sacroiliac joint is very stiff. Are you more pain free now? I hope that your pain is less severe now. Did you get injections? I’m just trying all possibilities. I was so miserable yesterday when doc gave results of mri and just said that nothing was pressing in a nerve so no cause for pain!!! I said “so is it all in my head? “. She said no but obviously didn’t know what else to suggest. Isn’t this a horrible illness? Xx
Thank you so much for your reply. It helps so much to hear from someone who understands. I think I have it for life. My pain doc thought it might be bulging disc causing a trapped nerve but mri came back clear. She is at a loss what to do with me. I’m really down about it at moment as once
Sorry- I’m feeling so nauseous. Basically I just have a horrible pain and fatigue condition that can’t be treated. I just don’t know where to go from here. Thank you again for your kind support. Xx
I am so sorry - I am so wrapped up in myself that I didn’t say how awful the pain must be for you. Does yours get a bit better in the summer? I hope that you have found a way to get your pain under control. Xx
No need to apologise hun, we all understand what pain does to us. It’s understandable that it makes you feel so down. My tumour caused me to develop fibro. It’s exhausting isn’t it. Also, you get one pain after another and when it’s all combined it makes you feel like tearing your hair out doesn’t it?
The warmer weather definitely helps to ease my symptoms. Nothing takes away the pain completely unfortunately. The medication that I’m on just takes the harshest edge off it.
Take care and love and hugs xx🤗🤗
Again thank you for your lovely text. I find it so difficult to come to terms with the fact that there’s nothing physically wrong with me and yet I live with severe pain every day and feel constantly unwell. I’ve looked for answers for so long and now just feel despondent. I’m sure that you have this problem - I’m so tired and yet lying down makes the ache worse but I don’t have energy to move. I hope that soon I will be able to sound as positive and lovely as you do. It’s so nice to talk to someone who understands. I do hope that you are not in too much pain today. Xxx
If you have fibro then I’m not surprised you feel so exhausted and despondent. Hun. I definitely think it’s time you stopped being so hard on yourself hun.
Thank you for your lovely kind words Hun. Please take care of yourself, don’t overdo things, wrap up warm and lots of love and hugs to you xxx🤗🤗
Sciatica it awful but if u google sciatica exercises there these stretches u do and i tell u what!!! They work.
My osteo explained when u get sciatica u usually sat or laid to long so ur sciatic nerve restricts and shrinks so u just need to stretch it out. Ive given these exercise to everyone i know and theyve worked every time