That last week has been unbearable. I’ve felt so ill with a migraine that’s rumbled in. My buttocks and legs are on fire. Although I’m feeling sick and exhausted I’m having to get up and move because of the pain in my legs. I can’t eat properly. I’m just skin and bone and feel that I’m nearing the end. Yet the GP can’t find anything wrong. I’m sorry for this dreadful moan. You are the only people I can say this to.
Agony! : That last week has been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

May I ask how old you are mcglada0 ? I.m 63 now and retired from work 18 months ago with fibro/ME/CFS I have times when I dont want to face the world yet the last week whilst we have had snow I have felt housebound! has your gp taken bloods from you? checking for vitamin , iron and mineral levels.. Could you face using Complan or the like? anything milky will keep you going BUT you must drink water, we can go for months without food but we need water daily.. I hope you feel better soon.

Hi and thanks for replying . I’m 67 and now retired ( thank goodness) . It was a real struggle at the end . I have had pain, fatigue and generally felt nauseous and unwell for the past 6 years. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything although the gp has been supportive. I think the last time I went to see him he was at his wits end. He asked me what I wanted him to do. I felt like a hypo although I don’t go to see him very often as I know that he won’t be able to do anything to help. He has prescribed me nutritional drinks and is going to keep an eye on my weight. I know that you will be suffering as well and I hope that you have some relatively good days. I definitely agree that the weather doesn’t help. Thanks again. Xx
Hi McGlad
Sorry to hear your I so much pain. I think it is time to go back to your drs and 1. See another dr.2. Tell the new dr how long you have been coming and what do you have to do to get help that is needed.
It is a hard thing to do when your so down... but sometimes this is what is needed. Write it all down as I get Terri my forget and if your like me you’ll be there going erm ah.
Hope you have a better day
Healing hugs x
I really appreciate you texting me. I think I probably do need another gp who will look at me with new eyes. My gp did say that maybe he was missing something though he doesn’t think so. Like others on this site, I find it hard to understand that I don’t seem to have anything medically causing these horrible symptoms. Thanks for your text and hope you are keeping as well as possible. Xx
Thank you for replying especially when you are going through the same. I was scared to take my Tramacet ( tramadol and paracetamol but not quite so strong as tramadol) in case it made my migraine worse. I have never had quite so bad pain at night. Usually at least the nights are not so bad as the days. I’ve taken a Tramacet this morning and think it might be taking the edge off the pain but still feel nauseous and exhausted. I will try the magnesium oil. I have some somewhere so will get OH to help me find it. I do hope that your pain is a little better today. We should have chatted at 4am! That’s when I was tearing my hair out. I think I’m really down because I’ve had a particularly bad run of pain and fatigue since November. Thank goodness fir all the kind, supportive people on this site. I really appreciate your concern and please let vent when you feel really down. Xx
I'm so sorry your suffering in the way you are. Your weight loss must be a big concern for you. May I ask is it the pain stopping you from eating? There is many reasons we can lose our appetite.
I agree with what others have suggested about getting an opinion from another GP. I hope you see someone soon. ((hugs)) xx
Sorry you are feeling so poorly. All I can suggest is to res as much as possible drink plenty of water and be kind to yourself. Sending big hugs x M x
Thank you. I feel so bad. I had to take a Tramacet as pain was so bad. Now I’m not sure if this is causing the nausea and headache. I don’t know what is worse - the head pain or the leg pain! Sorry for being such a misery. Xx
No problem that’s what we are all on here for to vent have a moan etc .
I understand how you are feeling you are not sure which is worse 🤨
I understand I am having a flare up of Fibro and crash coming with ME. Try to take care of you. Sending healing thoughts to you and big hugs 😍
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having such a rotten time as well. I’ll be thinking about you and hope that it doesn’t last too long. Lots of hugs back to you. Xx