My sister had polymyralgia, other sister lots of conditions but they found she has HLAB 27 gene which masks illness.she has soriatic arthritis.asthma and fibromyalgia plus others.she has been taking LDN for several years and it has helped he as allergic to several medications.she now saw autoimmune chap days she has IGg4 and not fibromyalgia and needs steroids.has anyone heard of this and treatment.i wonder if worth mentioning to my doctor as he doesn't seem bothered in my conditions now as am fighting at present to see specialists and they don't even want to do that.
Are there doctors on here.: My sister... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Are there doctors on here.

Unfortunately, there is no medically qualified members on here to advise you.

You would be best discussing any concerns you have with your GP. x
I have had 6 different doc in 5yrs...due to doesn't even believe in M.E.or the aim I'm sure n from fibro..most time I get a nurse practitioner..for my arthritis pain I was offered codine..which I cannot take due to dizzy and sickness and the only way I can get about at all is on my bycycle or walking holding onto it for support and I don't want to be falling off that..they offered a lower dose...I only got new doc 4months my confidence has gone down the tube.
Can you change to another practice? Or see another doctor within the practice? If you are being constantly fobbed off, a letter to the Practice Manager might help, because you shouldn't be left hanging out there unsupported.
If you get no joy, try a complaint to the care Quality Commission. As has been said, we have no doctors here, a few retired nurses is all, and we cannot legally answer medical questions, except in a general way.
Cheers, Midori
Thanks.. no other practice in area and I too il to travel far when flare up are on..have already been in and asked for other doc and they said cos of shortages have to take what's given...not informed in anyway of changes of doctors..just noticed only on my repeat prescription...when my doc retired 14yrs ago roughly thing went downhill...for many not just me...I was told well your not gonna die from it...your quality of life will just not be so good...but now 16yrs later nearly due to.M.E...fibro..hiatus hernia. Plantar facilitate.. arthritis antidepressants and allergic is crap..I'm sorry to sound so down but it is and my mood swings are husband may be losing his job in march and he has prostate problems and waiting for hernia my stress and pain I just carnt control and they just don't seem to care...and I know there are tons of people worse and that then makes me feel guilty aswell
Oh, you are in a pickle, so many big Life events going on, no wonder you are depressed.
Don't worry about us; we are a tight knit group for all kinds of support for our members.
Have you mentioned your mood swings and depression to your GP? I think that would be a good start. Push for some talking therapy (perhaps psychologist or similar) as well, or contact MIND, I used them some years ago when I was particularly down.
Samaritans are available 24/7 as well, and I believe they now have an email service.
It is so difficult when you feel isolated, are there no groups you can get to? Interest groups are getting to be a big thing lately so, crafts, Knitting and crochet, all kinds of things which might help to get you out of the house and have a short break.
Chatty Cafes are an organisation which might be worth your while; they have an arrangement with certain cafes to have a table set aside for anyone who might want to chat and/or looking for new friends, you might find a group close to you, It is fairly new, so keep your eyes open. Google them to get an ides what they do. I've just moved, so I am hoping there might be one local to me; If not, I might just start one!
Cheers, Midori