Hi, just wondering if any of my fibro friends have ever suffered from hives as last night whilst watching tv I started to get quite itchy and then found I had hives on my face,neck and chest. Thought I was probably allergic to something. Googled it and found it is another symptom of fibro. It's not the first time this has happened but strangely all the hives had disappeared this morning. If anyone has had this happen how do you manage it or ease the itching. Tia
Hives: Hi, just wondering if any of my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

i started getting lil itchy bumps yesterday, they seem to be fluid filled.

Yes this happens to me and did last nite I was wondering if connected to fibro you've already googled so got my answer normally at nite for some reason normally a cold flannel for me. I read the other day there are up to 60 symptoms you can get from fibromyalgia that's a lot now I need to think where I saw it (foggy moment lol)xx
do you have to live through memory lapse too? Im a newly diagnosed...
Yeah, some days can't remember simple words. The brain fog is awful, struggle to concentrate. I'm newly diagnosed too but have been suffering with it for 5 years. Good luck
I get them, I have no allergies, they are definitely part of my fibro package. They come out of the blue...looks like nettle rash and then if I lightly scratch ( barely touching) wheals develop over the top. It can occur in small patches one day and on another day it covers my back, thighs etc. I used to put a cold flannel on to soothe the itch, I have since started using calamine lotion. My doctor did give me antihistamines at one point but they didn't stop the hives reoccurring so I just put up with them now....and it's not everyday. Hope this helps some. xx
In recent weeks I've started to get what I thought were hives but they have blisters filled with a clear liquid but are really itchy Ive tried using antihistamines as well but they didn't work for me either. My fibro seems to be getting worse the more I've tried to ignore it and carry on the more determined it seems to be to make its presence known.