Having a bad morning, my hands, feet and ankles are really swollen just feel so sore heads all fuzzy too, i wish there was a magic potion you could take to let you have 24 hrs where you dont feel any pain 😣🙁
Sorry just having a rant
Having a bad morning, my hands, feet and ankles are really swollen just feel so sore heads all fuzzy too, i wish there was a magic potion you could take to let you have 24 hrs where you dont feel any pain 😣🙁
Sorry just having a rant
Gentle hugs and hope you start to feel better as the day goes on xxx
Rant away. I often think it would be wonderful to have 24 hours without pain and all the other things associated with this stupid illness. Then I reflect and think unless they can cure me perhaps not as I would remember what I am missing. Hope you will be feeling better soon.x
There is plenty of rest
It is okay to say get plenty off rest but how when pain is bad any tips ernist ? Thank you rosewine & hazel-angelstar