I've been in the process of moving house for the past week. When's it going to end. I was diagnosed with a brain anurism last week told to keep blood pressure down.waiting to see the neuro surgeons. Am I mad moving house with all that going on. It's a good job I've got lots of family helping I can tell you that. I couldn't do it without them. I love my family so much I'm lucky to have them. Very lucky. Thanks for the rant
Moving house: I've been in the process... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Moving house

Oh dear.
How did you find out the aneurysm?
I would not be doing any house moving. Let someone else help.
Take care.
My balance is a bit dodgy at times. But for a few weeks it was so severe I couldn't do much.then one morning I got up to go to work and was falling all over the place. I was taken to hospital they wanted to rule out a stroke. They did rule that out but found the anurism on the scan. Yes I was shocked. If fibromyalgia isn't bad enough
Grr I just sent a.message an its disappeared!
Sorry too hear this it must be really scarey. I hop e your family help lots.you are lucky too have family around.I hope your move gos well.an things go okl with the neuro surgeon.hope your family are taking good care of you xx
Hope al goes well it sounds as if you had no choice but to move
Thank goodness for family
Rest when you can and try not to worry
Let us know how your appointment goes
Good Luck
Take it easy and enjoy the move everything being new can be fun xxxxxxx
Delegate as much as you can --- in fact delegate everything.
Once you've got into your new place I hope you can relax a bit and enjoy it. And I also hope any treatment you get goes well.
Make sure you remember to tell evryone your new address, you could end up waiting for results and mail if you dont, especially gp and hospital,when I moved I just put my bed up, found the kettle and microwave plugged in that was it for several days, I had already ordered food from online supermarket for delivery- ready meals, take away deliveries and settling my cat into new home, I hope you make your new place just as you want it eventually, it took me 2 years to do all the decor!

Yes I'm making a list of who to contact. For a fail safe I'm getting a care of address for 3months in case I miss something or forget. I've got a few appointment coming up next 3 months. Thanks
I had a removal firm who packed and unpacked for me, cost a little more but it was well worth avoiding the fatigue and stress.
Moving house is stressful enough without you having these other health issues. Take care of yourself and let us know how you get on with your appointment.x
You are lucky family is there to help but still take it easy! I would love to move to a much smaller place it's hard to do stairs for me. The packing up would be the hardest part😱 take care. Chris