Want to ask have any of you fibro warriors tried alternative medicine like acupuncture? I'm currently not on any medication for fibro as I can't take most of the antidepressants as I've had bad experiences in the past & ended up with an ulcer due to taking antidepressant & antinflamerty & yet again my gp prescribed me another antidepressant which states that if you've had a stomach ulcer not to take it I have lost all faith in my gp just seems to palm me off has increased my morphine based pain relief & gas stopped my co codomal 30/500 so really want to try any natural therapies like acupuncture if anyone has any info would really appreciate it thanks
Acupuncture : Want to ask have any of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I have tried most alternative therapies and love them all for relaxation. Currently having deep muscle massage with acupuncture. The massage hurts like hell but when the needles go in I want to sleep. Same with reiki , healing aromatherapy . Sooo relaxing . Helps for a bit but sometimes it is just having the me time and relaxing for an hour is so beneficial. Hot stones is nice too. I don't like taking medicines but for absolute relaxation when my muscles are giving me jip is having a small herbal smoke
I think everybody seems to react differently to alternative therapies.
I myself tried a couple of sessions of acupuncture, I felt ok during the therapy, but I felt really ill several hours afterwards, I was told that this was "good" because it was my body "healing itself", but I did not continue because I could not see the point of paying money just to make myself feel dreadful!!
I have also recently tried some sessions of hypnotherapy, but although I felt relaxed at the time, it did not have any long term benefit.
The therapy that seems to help me most is reflexology, I come away from the sessions feeling like I am" glowing" all over
I would also personally recommend hydrotherapy and gentle yoga.
I think it is a matter of trial and error to see what helps you, but of course it is quite expensive. Hope you find something that works for you xxx
HELLO ALIE. Ive had acupuncture and currenty have hydrotherapy i highly recommend both. As a fibro sufferer i found i looked for therapies myself,too many. G.p,s know very little about fibromyalgia..bye the way. Acupuncture is available on nhs but again u hAve to push for a referal many g.p,s are watching their budgets i never thought i would reach the day when doctors put profits before people.

Oh really I wasn't aware of it being available on the nhs probably would wait for months thanks x
I've been through a full course of acupuncture. I have forgotten how many sessions in all. It did nothing for me.
I have found Traditional Chinese style Acupuncture very helpful with my health problems of aches, pains, Arthritis, injuries and more besides BUT in can be difficult finding the right practitioner. Some research is needed. I tried 4 practitioners before I found the one I am with now. Of the previous ones, one caused me further pain, 2 didn't have a clue, one hadn't got enough experience. The one I have now has done some of his training in China, has over 30 years experience and total of 10 years training. This is rare but it's good to look for a practitioner with advanced training qualifications and or has done some of the training in China. I look forward to my appointments as my body will be treated as a whole. The yin and yang will balance better and I will feel better able to cope.
Hi allie68
I wondered whether this post may be of interest as it is about Complementary Therapies;
I wondered have you and your GP discussed any other alternative medications and routes of administration ie: any patches, suppositories or any another route to address your pain.
Have you ever been referred to a pain clinic, maybe you should consider asking for a referral?
Plus you could look at pain relief creams, Arthritis Research UK mention various creams that may be of help in conjunction with other treatments for pain, Check out the website for more information: arthritisresearchuk.org/art...
Hope your pain eases soon and you find something that works for you
No my gp has me in & out the door under 10mins have made an appointment with the other gp he's a bit more understanding so I was going to suggest a referral pain clinic or rheumatologist or somewhere I just feel I can't cope anymore am having more bad days than good & can't plan anything & feel so guilty as a wife & mother , thanks for your advice x
Oh allie68 I understand the family commitments and all the concerns and emotions that come with it. I would consider possibly trying to see another GP and talk about referrals but also other ways to help with pain relief in the meantime. I wondered also when did you last have a blood test? Here's a post that many be of interest too...
I wish you all the very best with your next appointment, maybe consider writing all the concerns/symptoms down and asking a family member or friend to come with you to maybe?
Yes ive just finished a 6 week course of acupuncture. It did nothing for my pain or fatigue.
Hi i have acupuncture works great in my feet