My legs play me up a lot. The achy pain drives me mad and the gabapentin is not working. If I go for a walk while my legs are like this, does any one no if it will benefit me. I have full ME. And if I go out for the day, I sleep for the next 3. Any exercise makes me sleep.
Achy legs: My legs play me up a lot... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Achy legs

Trying to get the exercise / not keeling over for 3 days balance right is very difficult, I found.
I looked online and found some stretching exercises. The really simple ones helped my leg pain and I found, as I have to try and walk my dogs every day, I didn't get so much leg pain afterwards.
I sprained my ankle, badly, a couple of weeks ago. So painful that I've only just been able to walk without a stick since yesterday ( neighbour's been walking dogs) I was told about an exercise to help. Sitting, have a football on the floor in front of you. Place your bare foot on it and roll your toes as if trying to mould your foot to the ball. Roll the ball backwards, forwards and round and round. I was amazed that the pain in my ankle started to go after half an hour. It's a cheap exercise to try and might help.
I use magnesium oil on my feet for restless legs and for pain I've found Perskindol cream is brilliant.

Thanks. You have helped. I have bad psoriasis so have to watch what I put on and my dogs lick my legs
I know that feeling all too well. It's hard to get a balance between overdoing it and ending up bedbound for a week. I have been having magnesium baths to help with relaxing the muscles, I find it has made my muscles less tight but don't always feel it's giving me as much benefit as I thought it would. Hopefully time will tell. How much Gabapentin do you have daily? I take between 800 -1200mg but I have found that they don't seem to help as well as they used to do. It has got to the stage with me that I am having to use a wheelchair when out and about shopping and even just the walk from the car to the doors of the supermarket can leave me wiped out. Try seeing your Dr for a medication review and see if there are any specialists regarding the M.E that you could be referred to. Xx
Take care Ali xx
Have you told your gp about your legs? Maybe you have Restless leg Syndrome! I was tried on a drug for M.E which really caused me to have restless legs, maybe look on the leaflets of your meds and see if it mentions this, there is a pill for RLS BUT if its another drug causing it you need to discuss with doc.
I am on amitriptyline for my legs and sleeping.