Evening all wandered if anyone can help ... I'm making a claim for ESA and just wandered how much that would be ... and whether there's anything else I can claim for apart from housing and council tax benefit ... many thanks 😊
About ESA: Evening all wandered if... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
About ESA
These rates apply from April 2017 to April 2018
Assessment Phase (First 13 weeks of claim)
Age under 25 £57.90
Age over 25 £73.10
Couples £114.85
Main Phase
Work-related Activity group
N.B. Claimants whose claim started from 3rd April 2017 will remain on the same rate as the assessment group.
Single person (any age) £102.15
Couple £143.90
Support Group
Single person (any age) £109.65
Couple £151.40
You may be able to claim H/B CTB it will depend on your circumstances
Also look at Personal Independent Payment
Hi there rose 54 how do u get support group rate is that hard to get ?thanks for your reply will look at personal independent payment 😊
Because I was diagnosed only 3 weeks ago could I put in a claim for pip or go I have to wait 3 months to be able to claim ?

You have to have each condition for 3 months