Hi everyone. Gosh it has been a whole since I've posted anything and I have missed it! So I pushed through my debilitating illness of Fibro and osteoporosis and managed to work for the first time in my life for almost 2 years! I'm still in shock! Unfortunately my health was pulling me back every single day but I still forced my way through. I worked on the work programme alongside the department of work and pensions. I worked for fellow esa customers and gained so much knowledge that I can now share with you.
I've had to quit and am serving my last week here because my health won't let me continue plus the job kept battling against my morals. I've helped a lot of esa customers in this time so I think I have served us all well.
I am at your beck and call now so ask me anything u need help with from pip to work programme referral. If I don't know the answer I will find it out for u!
Missed my Fibro family, hope you are all well xxxxx