Exhausted: Hi everyone, im new to this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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7 Replies

Hi everyone, im new to this site and to fibromyalgia. After reading alot of posts its reassuring to know im not going mad with the never ending symptoms. Finding it very difficult to deal with the fact my life has changed so much and will never be the same again.

7 Replies
Fibrolife profile image

Yes, Fibro is a new way of life.😏

Furry profile image

Hi there and welcome to our great forum, a great place for information and support from others in the same boat. It is very difficult as you've said to accept that with fibromyalgia your life changes so much. Some people have a constant battle with it. It doesn't help that there are so many symptoms and that they can vary day to day. I grieved for the old me and my old life and I think that's natural when your life changes so much. Regarding coping with this I would say to treat yourself as you would a friend, try and be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust to how different life is with fibro, take each day at a time if you can. regarding the symptoms I found it good to keep a diary, this can help with finding what might trigger flares or any foods or meds that might not suit you. Also for me pacing is the way I try to cope, If I overdo things the pain and fatigue are so much worse, so I cut my hours at work and try and pace at home as much as possible. Having a supportive GP, physio, CBT, pain clinic, and a tens machine are all things that have helped me but as fibro is not a one size fits all thing it's whatever works for you. I wish you all the best and hope you find ways to cope and ease your symptoms. Take care of yourself X X

Creativeness1 profile image

There are lots of friendly lovely supportive people. we are here to support you and help you with posts excetra.

Please do take a look at our mother site


There is also some pinned posts on the home page. It is good idea to lock your posts for Internet safety It will stop social media and world wide web accessing your information.

In order to lock your post go to the bottom of the post three boxes at bottom one say reply like and third is an arrow click on the arrow click edit go to the bottom of the post click on only followers for this forum.

Love and best wishes



Admin volunteer

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hello Joan :)

I just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome to our forum :)

I can see that our lovely Lesley Creativeness1 has given you the link to our mother site fmauk.org. If you click on the blue link you will be able to find a list of the most common symptoms of Fibro.

Like you I have a very long list of Fibro related symptoms.

We are incredibly lucky to have an amazing bunch of people here. They are supportive, caring and compassionate.

All of us have Fibro including all of the Admin team.

If you need any help at all finding your way around the forum please don't hesitate to let me know.

I have given you an easy to follow guide below which explains how to lock your posts and what it means. Click on the blue line and the guide will pop up:


Once again a very warm welcome and I genuinely hope that you enjoy being a part of the forum and please don't hesitate to ask if you need any help.

Wishing you a peaceful evening.

Lu x


rosewine profile image

Welcome to the forum. Coming to terms with this illness can in some ways be like dealing with a bereavement as we are mourning relinquishing our old life and having to come to terms with our new one. To be honest it can take some time to come to terms with it.x

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Hidden

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Dinkie profile image

Hi Joann and welcome to the club not one of us wants to be in. Fibro affects us all differently and yes probably your life has changed but it's still possible to hold onto and succeed in your dreams and aspirations. I didn't think it was possible but only this week have managed to pass an exam - ok it's taken longer than usual perhaps but I got there and you can too. It's a case of finding what works for you. Pacing yourself - I can preach this but can I do it - course not because we are all human but please try to do it sometimes. Learn to say no if you feel that the request will leave you exhausted. People generally understand and those that don't aren't worth knowing anyway. For me, cooking from scratch (no processed foods whatsoever), supplements, chiropractor, hypnotherapy and gentle exercise followed by epsom salt baths works (most of the time) for me.

Remember to be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to adjust to the new you. There are plenty of lovely folk on here to hold your hand when times get tough and to laugh with you over silly things that happen to us fibro folk. No question is too mad to ask because remember someone before has probably asked the same thing.


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