First post. Being reading others for a while. I feel so low. I live with my hubby but my family live 120 mile round trip away. No friends here. Can't drive anymore, can't walk anywhere, even around home without constant pain. My list of ailments are never ending. In fact every week they get worse despite medication. I'm at the end of trying. Is it me or is this "thing" making others feel like giving up?
New here. Feel so low. : First post... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New here. Feel so low.
Hi I'm pretty much in the same boat.
I'll give you a gentle hand.
Thank you. I feel I can't even put in my boxes just what I have wrong with my body. It seems so much. Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to write a mile long list. Thank you for ur quick reply. I don't feel so isolated now. Having said that I don't want to drag anyone down to how I'm feeling at the moment. X
Hi Purr welcome to our wonderful forum ☺ I'm sure you will come to find the forum invaluable in chatting to others who are going through the same experience as you, talking to others at different stages of their lives with Fibro and learning from their experiences.
It does help with the whole process and I wish I had found the site years ago. I have had Fibro for nearly 30 yrs and I'm still learning about it, like we all are.
It very difficult when family live so far away, mine live dotted all over the place, 2 of my daughters are 4 - 5 hr drive away & my parents & sister in Spain. You have definitely come to the right place to get support & advice on living with fibro.
Please do go look at the mother site where you will find all the information you need and lots of useful links on Fibro and I look forward to chatting to you on the forum.
Peace, luv n light
Jan xx
Thank you Jan. Nite nite, xx
Your welcome my friend & good night. Feel free to message me if you want to chat xx
Thanks Jan, really appreciate that you are there for a chat. At the moment I can't think how I can describe how I feel. Or what I can expect from these special, wonderful people. They reach out to all & im overwhelmed by it. I'm going to bed now to think things over & try and get some much needed refreshing sleep!!!! . Thanks to all. Nite nite xx
Hello and welcome
Welcome to our lovely forum you will be able to share ypu experiences with others in similar positions on the forum.
Please take a look at the pinned posts on our home page for more information.
Take a look at the following website for research and support.
We are here to support you.
Good luck on your journey
Fmauk volunteer admin
Just keep us upto date hun.
Thats what we are here for you are not alone and we wouldn't have it any other way.💝
Oh Purr you sound really down. Just remember there is always someone to chat with or have a moan with on here. It's difficult, we can't be cheery all the time and sometimes a good moan is just what's needed, it gets it off your chest, if you know what I mean? Hang on in there!
I think we all been there feeling like giving up but you can't you have love ones Fibromygia is a horrible decease that get you down but I believe you have to help you self too by telling yourself not to give up There are members on this foram who are doing that now me included Have you tried self massage I think it helps also sleep is very important too Best of luck x
You have friends right here. This is the perfect place to rant and we all know what you are going through. Don't ever feel you are alone.
Hi purr , we all feel like that at times , i have been really quite latley as been in hospital and told that I also have rheumatoid arthritis and steroid induced diabetes as I have asthma and another lung condition and on oxygen 24/7 but things do get better.
Its finding ways of getting your own head around what's going on with your health before you can cope with questions about it from others but things do get easier unfortunately we will still have bad days but you start to know your bodys limits and rest when you have to,
I don't like talking about things to my family as they find it difficult to understand and then worry so I used to just keep it ti my self until I found this site ; everyone is great and someone always can empathise with you as we know how hard things can be and you dont have to try to explain things as someone else will have been there too ,
I hope you are feeling better soon about things, having a good gp helps a lot but its a lot of trial and error to get the treatment for you as we are all different but with the same condition.
All the best
loraine x
Hi Loraine,
Thank you for your support. I do hope you feel better as each day passes. I too have rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and a lung condition. I think being told I also have fibromyalgia now was the last straw and it made me feel so low. All my lovely new friends made me feel I wasn't alone and that there are others with the same or similar pain due to illness. It's so comforting to know there is support, help and loving hands to make me feel better.
Squishy hugs,
Purr x
Hi Purr
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. Have you ever considered ringing the Samaritans when you feel so down as sometimes it can help just having somebody to listen to you? I have pasted their phone number below, and I truly hope that you do not mind:
Telephone: 116 123 (UK)
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Don't give up, yes it is hard and giving up would be so much easier but your better than the fibro and you know you are so don't let it beat you don't give up, love and hugs Leigh
Hello Purr
Welcome sweetheart, it's huge isn't it, all this ailment stuff?
We genuinely have , all of us, felt like you at some point, my daughter is a long way away and doesn't really see me much, the rest of my husband's family live the other end of the country and friends? They seem to melt away when you are ill don't they?
The thing is with this brilliant forum, that it's faceless, you can explore your feelings here without worry of being judged, and some of us are a bit barmy and have a sometimes odd sense of humour so we do laugh a lot as well and that's really good too!
Chat as much as you want, and when you're trying to make sense of how you feel, take it a step at a time, like a ball of wool that the cats played with! Find one end of one thread and tease it out, eventually the ball will untangle,
That's it from me this morning, sorry went into counsellor mode there!!!
Love n soft cloud hugs to you xxxx⛅⛅
Hello Purr,
I've not been on the forum long either (couple of months ) but I've found it brilliant for helping me through my bad times and I believe you will too.
I know it's so hard when this blinking condition takes so much of your life. We all feel it too so please don't ever feel that you're alone.
I've found soooo many kind and wonderful people here, always willing to help and cheer me up when I need it.
Please don't give up my lovey. We are all here for you, routing for you. This horrible feeling will pass and better days will follow. I promise.
Sending you my snuggliest hugs and lots of love xx
I'm quite new to, and I often feel the same way you do, it seems I have more bad than good days. Posting and reading other posts are a great way to get through. I try really hard to think about those good days and I've managed to get myself back into reading even if it does take me so much longer. I can't hold books so have stated using my tablet even have my magazines on there. Please just keep smiling and try to think of good times. I've realised that we've got a lot of friends here so keep posting whatever the time, someone always replies.
Chin up and lots of gentle hugs
Thank you all of you for your support, help and kind words. 😘
Hello Purr, I hear you when you say you are at your lowest ebb. I'm so sorry. That is a horrid scary place to be. I wish I could come and get you and take away your suffering.
Like others say, the horrid feelings do pass. Hopefully the morning brings better.
Pain is terribly stressfull. We cant do extra stress, so beware of getting bogged down in too much else. It is too easy to panic that we cant cope even with our pain, thus driving it worse. Too easy to feel we cant cope with a long term condition either when it feel so intense, so always be prepared to focus on the now. Today and maybe tomorrow being better. Looking at the future can be overwhelming especially when we are looking through dark glasses!!
We need nice things to focus on. Perhaps we are silly. I like to think we Fibro's are generally sensitive and kind. So many of us love nature and animals and pets and simple things. It's nice to have a laugh, with friends face to face or on the internet. Who wasn't a little cheered this morning by the photo of the pole dancing Hamster? I can't help liking daft and that there are others just as daft.
Just a thought about the dark thoughts, have you checked your meds for how they might affect your mood? You must talk to your GP if you suspect drugs are messing with your head. Very difficult to cope if your meds are making you think dark!!! It is just a thought and I imagine if you ask, several people will admit they have had trouble.
You can get Therapy to deal with how you are feeling and also in coping with having a long term pain condition. It is OK to ask and it is OK to say it is urgent. We can cope better and have a worthwhile life with Fibro.
I wish you well.