Hello to all
I was hoping for some general advice
Diagnosed with under active thyroid 18 months ago which since starting treatment I remain feeling less than 100% even though my bloods are what’s classed as normal
I also have Polycystic ovarian syndrome diagnosed just over six months ago
I currently take 100 t4 and 20 t3 plus 1000mg metformin for pcos
I have just started with t3 and I have also been prescribed low dose naltrexone upto 4.5mg per day by a private go
I also take 30mg propranolol for anxiety and heart racing
A lot of my symptoms I was putting down to thyroid but I’m actually starting to wonder if I could have fibromyalgia?
I have terrible neck and back and shoulder pain which cause headaches this varies in how bad the pain is but is there most days I saw a physio last year who said it was a trapped nerve but the pain seems to stretch across the whole of my shoulders accompanied by the following which some days are worse than others-
Lower back pain
Weak muscles in legs and arms struggle to walk upstairs some days
No energy
Crushing fatigue
Abdominal issues gas bloating wind ibs type symptoms
Sensitive to sunlight
Itchy skin
Air hunger
Heart palpitations
Cold hands and feet
Brain fog
Low mood
No libido
Weight gain around the middle
Sleeping for 10-12 hours per day if I could I’d sleep longer
I am 40 and I feel somedays like I am 90 I used to be active full of life and energy and involved in so many things but I feel I just don’t have a life anymore
I have suffered lots of stress the past few years with the death of my father and other major life events and combined with not feeling right with my thyroid I’m really not sure what is going on!
I’ve had various bloods and others tests like ecgs which are always normal
I am not completely sure if all my symptoms match fibromyalgia but appreciate any advice