Now I am so depressed everything is hard work as I'm right handed with broken wrist think I will hibernate to my bed
Broken wrist: Now I am so depressed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Broken wrist

You might be surprised what you can learn to do with the left hand. I had surgery on my right wrist and couldn't imagine how I would wash my hair or put make up on let alone cope with all the animals we have but after a bit of practice I managed quite well, it felt quite strange when my right hand was useable again.
I hope things get easier for you.
Hi nessybuns
I am so genuinely sorry to read this my friend and I sincerely hope that your wrist heals quickly for you. If you do not have anyone to help you with basic care needs you may be able to get a temporary care package via your local social services department? I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I do hope it heals quickly for you! Be good en forced rest is always good for all of us- Gins x
Ouch, my mother broke her right wrist about 10 years ago, she found it so difficult to do anything. My mum's right handed too.