Sugar and flour: Has anyone tried... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Sugar and flour

Outofbox profile image
23 Replies

Has anyone tried STOPPING COMPLETELY flour and sugar and rice - all products with flour, rice and or sugar? And alcohol and sugary drinks.

Not cutting down, STOPPING COMPLETELY. meat fish vegetables fruit eggs only. If it's in a packet don't eat it.

Worked for me. :)

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Outofbox profile image
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23 Replies
Maya23 profile image

Yes. I don't drink alcohol or sugary drinks. I don't eat gluten, dairy, sugar, yeast, maize/corn, soya, and lots of other things because I had a food intolerance test and it showed I reacted to these foods. I noticed an improvement in symptoms when I stopped. But it's hard living on a restricted diet. I do eat rice, meat, fish, gluten free oats, most veg and most fruit. That's it. Nothing from a packet. So it's difficult cooking from scratch everyday, but that's what I do (often with husband's help). I'm hoping that my gut will heal and that I'll be able to reintroduce a wider range of foods again soon, but I won't hold my breath! Every time I slip and eat something I shouldn't eat, I feel absolutely awful the next day.

Outofbox profile image
Outofbox in reply to Maya23

It's just a natural unprocessed diet. Snack on nuts seed and bit of dried fruit. Home made soups and salad. More variety rather than flour and rice. Beans are good in soups avocado. Eat eat but fresh and raw where you can. Drink loads water.

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Outofbox

Yes I hope to be able to eat nuts and seeds again, it's annoying not being able to eat them right now. Can't eat potatoes, celery, oranges, mushrooms or peas either. But I can eat avocados - I love avocados.

ukmsmi4 profile image

No I haven't as yet but I'm looking at one of the Dr Sarah Myhill books and I'm considering adjusting my diet. I think she advocates a paleo diet for ME which from what I can tell seems similar to what you are describing. So I too would be interested in hearing other people's experiences.

Gentle hugs,

Lou1062 profile image

I tend to go only for fresh food, if there is a label don't have it, I'm also on a medically supervised low fat diet for other problems xx

Hi Hun- I have had to tell my daughter off this week end, her hubby is coeliac and had gluten free food, she had been telling me for months how good they taste! Yes they might BUT her hubby is given high strength vitamins to supplement his diet from his g.p. I noticed she has been very pale and had 3 colds since Christmas, vit C , B12. B6 deficiency can cause colds, cold sores and tiredness and I have asked her to STOP eating the same food as him because she does not need it, it is not good for non coeliac people. So I am sorry hun I wouldn't encourage any drastic change in diet without getting guidance from a dietician or g.p/

Outofbox profile image

up to you!

Z_oo72 profile image

Hey Out o B,

yes, i have been doing this on and off for a while and have to say that it works for me. i always feel better when i cut out all processed food. to get the extra vits down, i juice veggies. what could be more healthy than veg and fish and meat washed down with a few pints of H2O? ???????

: )

bluebell99 profile image

There was a report in the Times this weekend that described a diet like this as dangerous and not proven to benefit due to lack of certain vitamins and proteins.. I think it is called a Clean Food diet.

I went on a very low carbohydrate diet as part of a clinical trial run by the hospital. It was similar to the Atkins Diet and boy was it difficult to stick to. I had bad breath, constipation, bloating and constant nausea, thank goodness it was only six weeks!

We have evolved as meat and plant eating animals over many thousands of years, why upset nature?

Outofbox profile image
Outofbox in reply to bluebell99

It's nothing like the Atkins diet.

Outofbox profile image

I didn't say anything about not eating meat or plants.

ukmsmi4 profile image

The latest research for ME seems to be saying that we don't need to worry about fats but sugar is a problem.

Outofbox profile image
Outofbox in reply to ukmsmi4

For me Fats are good. Butter milk cream, cheese eggs olive oil avocados organic meat pref, oily fish nuts. Lots of vegetables and fruit and water. Seeds. Pumpkin sesame etc.

Outofbox profile image
Outofbox in reply to ukmsmi4

Sugar is out.

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to Outofbox

I agree with you. On getting rid of processed foods and sticking to meat and veggies and fruit.

I use butter instead of oils when I cook. I have been doing a lot of research on food and health and I think sticking to food that comes from what is living on earth seems to be the best and most nutrients dense.

I have heard a few thing recently on the difficulty our bodies have breaking down the proteins in wheat barley oats etc. (Can't remember if rice was on the list ) but that it has nothing to do with an allergy, that the proteins in them are too complicated and damage the intestine.

I haven't changed my diet completely but have been avoiding things when I can.

There are nutrients that our bodies need to function and without them you die. Research your essential vitamins minerals fatty acids, amino acids, etc. If you haven't.

Sugar is needed in your body to complete functions. The problems are the types of sugars and the amount taken in at a time. (Fruit had a lot of sugar and people will harp on that, but it is also full of vitamins and minerals)

Anyways not sure what else I was going to say.

I do wish you luck. I have really changed my life, for the better, by researching and eating healthier.

I juice at least once a day and every morning drink an ACV drink.

15ml-1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar with mother

Half a lemon

15ml-1 tbsp raw honey

8oz or so of water

Mix and drink

I know that both of those have helped me. I have experimented to make sure. And they have kept me off of meds. Which is all I can ask for. :) well being functional is all I can ask for.

Anyways Take care ××

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Outofbox

Thank you so much for a very interesting post my friend. I have a sweet tooth but I am allergic to every sweetener that I have tried due to my asthma. I have tried gluten free brownies in a cafe and I have to admit that they were delicious. However, the NHS does not encourage this diet unless it is absolutely necessary. I have pasted an excerpt below from the *Nutrition Facts website:

*The reason health professionals don’t want to see people on gluten-free diets unless absolutely necessary is that, for the 98 percent of people that don’t have gluten issues, whole grains—including the gluten grains wheat, barley and rye—are health promoting, linked to reduced risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases.

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Joyia profile image
Joyia in reply to TheAuthor

Ken I hope you are not using sweeteners, aspartamine and others are linked to serious health issues. I get disappointed when I read articles about foods that are sugar free and well promoted as such but if you read the labels invariably they are supplemented with artificial sweeteners which are just as bad.

ukmsmi4 profile image
ukmsmi4 in reply to Joyia

I agree Joyia . If you must sweeten things best to use natural sugars like honey or certain fruits to make things sweeter. But even then, always in moderation. At least that way, with fruits, you will get added vits etc.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to ukmsmi4

Hi ukmsmi4 I am just using very small amounts of my home grown sugar and I do (sometimes but it is expensive) buy a small bag of coconut sugar

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Joyia

Thanks Joyia no I am not using any sweeteners and have just one sugar in my tea. I have had so many bad experiences with them. Mind you, I am a diabetic as well so I also have to watch my sugar intake!

Joyia profile image
Joyia in reply to TheAuthor

I am pleased you are well informed Ken. x

Outofbox profile image

Best wishes.

Little-e profile image

I've also had food intolerance test like Dryad and cut the offending foods out along with Sugar, Dairy & Gluten and it's an eat clean policy in our house basically Tea consists of White meat or fish, veg or salad, rice or potatoes or rice noodles. We make rubs and marinades and cook the meat on a George Foreman grill and fish & veg in a steamer. I say We when I mean He😂.

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