Hi in the last 3 years I received pip standard care high mobility,just had my review and been given standard care and mobility,I'm worse now than I was 3 years ago,should I ask for a review or am I wasting my time.
Pip decision : Hi in the last 3 years I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip decision

I've had fibromyalgia for a few years now, can I claim PIP. What's the process? I don't want a long waste of time, anyone got pip, heard they do a assessment? Tips on what to tell them, what do they ask. Sorry I can't answer you question as I don't or never had PIP.
Any other benefits you can claim while having fibromyalgia?

If you are unable to work and you are under pension age you should be able to claim ESA (Employment Support Allowance). You need to get some expert assistance from your local Citizens Advice Bureaux. If they won't help then google for an Advocacy help with benefits for your area.

Hi Hidden
I have pasted for you below two *GOV.UK links entitled: How to claim PIP & How to claim ESA. So I genuinely hope that you find these useful:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
If it was me I would definitely discuss your case with the Benefits Advisor. They have their own one on this group. Have you been to the Benefits and Work web site. You can go there and answer the questions and see how many points you feel you should have scored.
Do the score thing on the Benefits and Work site first.
Come back tomorrow and I am sure admin will have left the name of the Benefits advisor and a lot more people will have left you some good advice. I cannot type much more tonight. I wish I could help you more tonight. You first of all need to find out what you SHOULD have scored by doing that test and answering as if it is your worst days.
Then PM me and is I am still awake I may be able to give you some further advice. You can ask for a mandatory reconsideration but you need expert advice before doing this. You need to know where it went wrong. What your score should have been, etc. In my opinion if you were on high rates before you probably should be on high rates for both now and if it were me I would definitely seek advice. Find out what went wrong and then get help to request a mandatory reconsideration.
Have you got the details of what the assessor has said and the scores.
Take care. Keep Strong.
Everyone will be here to help you tomorrow.
Love and hugs from
Twinkling Star
Hi Northlass
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, *FMA UK
The problem with appealing anything of this nature is that they can also reduce your award besides increasing it. As TwinklingStar says it would be best to get some professional advice and help i.e. CAB or a Disability Advocate.
*FMA UK do have a benefits adviser that you could talk too? I have pasted her (Janet) contact number below:
*Benefits Helpline 0300 999 0055 (10am - 12pm Mon and Fri)
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Yes you should !
I would lodge an appeal. For me I thought questions they asked at appeal were same as in booklet and I said less.You can't remember everything and there is less time to say things.It's so nerve wracking. The assessor was so kind and I am sure she helped me alot.One question was about could I get in a bath.We have never had one so thought it crazy.
Hi Northlass
I appealed my pip decision and went from 4 mobility points to 14. I now receive high rate for both components. Letters from my consultant and gp helped.
Good luck if you decide to appeal.
Hi fran I was awarded 10 mobility points but had high rate for 3 years and I'm worse now,carnt understand it xx
You're lucky. I've been onDLA for 22 years and lost my claim for PIP. I'm just about to put in for a MR. There is a very good group on Facebook called 4Up that offers help and support.
Yes, I would take it as far as you can. But be aware, they can take away the points you have already been awarded.
Not fair, I know.
You shouldn't answer as if it's your worst day. You have to tell them about your range, how often you have good and bad days and what an average day is. The criteria are based on what you can do repeatedly and safely (as stated by someone else) but if you're not having a 'worst' day when you are assessed amd they observe you doing something you say you can't, then they will use what they can observe rather than what you tell them.
The mobility part is biased against physical disability as if you can plan a journey, even if you get stressed, you won't get higher rate unless you cannot stand or walk at all.
I get PIP for daily living but not mobility because I can walk 200m with my crutches (not always in one go and not repeatedly). When I'm up for renewal I'll be more blunt with my answers and will fight for mobility.
My friend has MS and she's been turned down for PIP even though she struggles to walk and Access to Work partly pay for taxis for her to get from the London train station she arrives into to work.
Hello Northlass,,,yes get more support evidence,,and ask for the review,,,never waste time,,it is your right to seek the support you need so much,,,get more help and letters from all you doctors,,,and include the prescription drug details,,and a copy of your repeat script,,,good luck,,ttfn from karen.