Hi guys after having a brilliant assignment for pips said I would give u all an update so got letter Friday heart was in my throat so opened it and it said I was successful standard care and enhanced mobility was delighted and I've been awarded it for the next 5 years so I'm 1 very happy bunny x
Update report pip assessment - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Update report pip assessment

That is the most wonderful news so pleased for you. Such a relief when it has been awarded for 5 years means that you can now relax.xx
Well done
That's great news. Nice to hear something positive regarding PIP. Gives the rest of us hope.
Well done you, any tips ??
We all know that we are a complete mess of symptoms, which are the ones that they need to know about to get some help with this constant battle.
My tip is look at all the things you use to make/open etc. I looked at all my things I use for getting ready, cooking etc. and was surprised by how many things I do use. You cannot use the bed as an aid to getting ready anymore so state it is a stool or chair. ( Funny thing is I did use a stool anyway as it was firmer)
Never say on a good day use on a better day. Fill in the form with all your bad days as that is when you need the help and support, Supply as much medical record information like hospital letters etc.
Be well
I was having a flare up when I had my assessment so just told her how I was feeling she was very understanding and made me feel at ease also my sister was with me she's a nurse so she could fill in the blanks for the lady best thing to do is don't panic I had a home assessment and I didn't get dressed coz that's how I normally am in my pj's all day unless I've an appointment x
That's great news well done
That's great news and takes a lot of stress away worry about the outcome.
its really good to hear ! well done xxxxx
Fantastic news .... can I ask when you had your assessment... I had mine the 2nd or 1st August and still waiting! Hopefully get good news soon!
Healing blessing x
i had mine on the 4th August and not heard anything.
I had mine beginning of August think the 7th I live in northern Ireland was told 6-8weeks before I'd hear back so I'm happy now it's over x
Really pleased for you hun! I bet that is a massive relief and you will feel better already as that stress is now gone for such a long time ♥️🌻
Yeah, congrats! xxx
Oh that's great news, now you can relax a bit with that sorted for a few years it's nice to hear good news.
Trace xxx
Very nice happy bunny - ha ha - Seriously, congratulations Shaz
Well done it does make you feel so much better after a battle with the DWP. I got Enhanced on both. It will not make me better but I will be able to do and buy things that will improve my life.
Be Well
Hi can i ask what your smptons are for high rate please i have fibo and other stuff
So good you got your award
great news so pleased for you what a relief.
Well done :0) x
A big well done to you, now you can relax for a while and calm yourself. I have just had my assessment, not had the letter yet. How long did you wait from assessment to getting your letter if you don’t mind me asking? Just after the assessor left I collapsed and done some real damage to my hip and ribs. I wish she had been there to actually see how I live. Anyway a great big well done to you!
Think it took abt 6 weeks to get the letter hope you get it will say a wee prayer for you hope you are OK after your fall pet gentle hugs x