Don't agree with PIP Review decision ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Don't agree with PIP Review decision , advice needed

IlGattoPanceri profile image
8 Replies

Hi all,Hope are are enjoying the weekend the best you can.

Recently I have received the PIP review decision and I don't agree .

They just gave me the daily standard award and no mobility (4points).

It's so infuriating and disappointing, letting alone the fact that the whole process has made my fibromyalgia flare up a lot, I have noticed my depression got much worse as , again, not being properly listened and not receiving the help needed makes me feel I don't have any worth and being very misunderstood.

I have being very clear about my difficulties and my daily struggles and the assessor seemed to be understanding etc.. what a farce. On his report he down played everything I said. I also clearly told him I am constantly in pain with my legs, had an surgery and I am awaiting another one, I am in crutches since 3 years, I can't walk over 20 meters without pain and breaks.. his decision was that I could walk 50 to 200m...

He also said I didn't seems anxious or mentally distressed during the phone assessment.. all those questions made me cry and he heard me.. and he still said I wasn't mentally distressed..

I don't have any more energy to fight it.

I don't know if leave it and take the punch again of not getting what I need, or invest in a lawyer to help me having a mandatory reconsideration.

Citizen advice never responds my calls, they are always busy with someone else s apparently.

I have recorded most part of the assessment.

Please if you have any advice are very needed and appreciated.

In the meantime I am sending you a big gentle hug

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IlGattoPanceri profile image
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8 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi there, if you don't agree with the decision then your only recourse is a MR.

Only you know if you wish to go down this route. Only you know if your up to going through the MR processes.

You said citizen advice was busy apparently. It could be they where very busy. CA are very over stretched and do a wonderful job imo.

What ever you decide I wish you luck.


IlGattoPanceri profile image
IlGattoPanceri in reply to Dizzytwo

Hi momo,Thanks for your response.

Do you know what implies going down the mandatory reconsideration route?

Do you know if there are any help out there to help me with it?

I have done some research online but you find a bit of everything so not really helpful at the end..

Hug x

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply to IlGattoPanceri

Have you tried getting in touch with the FMAUK benefits help advisory. check out the link below.

IlGattoPanceri profile image
IlGattoPanceri in reply to Dizzytwo

Thanks you Dizzytwo xx

FibronewbieJab profile image

If you do not agree with the outcome of your assessment, then you should ask for a mandatory reconsideration. Have you got family or a close friend that can help you. CAB are overstretched as it is a voluntary organisation so it could be that they really are busy and cannot take on anymore cases.

Please do not just let it pass if you disagree with their decision. I know sometimes you feel you have no fight left in you, but if they have come to a wrong decision as regards to your condition and how it affects your daily life, then you definitely need to appeal against it.

Gentle Fibro hugs x

IlGattoPanceri profile image

Thank you very much for your response.Yes I am alone here so that doesn't help.

Big hug and thanks again for understanding

Dinkie profile image

If you have not asked for a copy of the assessment please phone and request one. Then go through each descriptor and highlight where you think you should have gained more points. Write your MR and explain where you think you were misunderstood (never use the words, "the assessor lied"). If you can get statements from friends, relatives, colleagues who witness how you cope or do not cope on a daily basis this can help too. You only have one month to send in your MR, athough you can, with permission and a strong reason why you are late, extent it although it is generally frowned upon so speed is of the essence. The DWP rely on folk not having the strength or determination to push and request an MR or proceed to tribunal.

There are many charities out there willing to help as well as businesses willing to take it on for you. Benefits and Work have some great pointers for submitting MRs etc.

IlGattoPanceri profile image

Thank you so much Dinkie, your advice is gold.Can you remember the name of some charities and businesses that might help? As I am exhausted and can't risk to waste time having less than a month.

Thanks again really really appreciate it

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