I have had some major health issues going on the last 2 years and my doctors aren't able to pinpoint the problem. Now I hear, it maybe your fibro...it may be menopause..(When it rains it pours) first let me sayw.thank you for all your posts. God bless each and everyone on this site.
Can fibro affect your breathing, asth... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Can fibro affect your breathing, asthma, copd

Hi Raboo,
Yes I to have had asthma symptoms??/copd.
I seen my Dr last year about this and I was told it was due to my fibro , it was more allergic/ seceptible to scents and any odors outside which would trigger breathing problems..
I was started on Ventolin inhaler just in case , to have on hand always.
It helps sometimes..can't say always as if it's. More than a few daysI take a. Claritan allergy tablet then it helps.
Hope this helps somewhat.
Take care , gentle hugs.
Hi Raboo
I notice this is your first post after joining back in the summer so I wish you a very warm welcome. As you are probaby aware we are friendly fibro folk who can support you, give advice and information and have a chuckle or two on the way.
I expect you know about our Mother Site fmauk.org ? It is especially useful and gives guides and links.
Asthma is suffered by some fibromites but I don't think that fibro causes it or can be blamed for it. Some of us have costo-chondritis which can give pain around the ribs and make deep breathing difficult, but again, it is associated with fibro but not a cause.
Be aware that some doctors put many conditions down to fibro, often because they have run out of ideas, are too lazy or have an eye on the budget to investigate further. Fibro tends to be the condition you end up with when everything else is eliminated.
If you feel that you are being dismissed by your doctor I would advise you changing him.
It is odd that your symptoms are being blamed on the menopause too, what about all the men here who have breathing diffiulties, you couldn't say it was the menopause for them!
Hope you get some answers very soon, and do question those that don't seem to fit your symptoms.
Some of the meds can suppress breathing, do make sure you continue to get checked by your GP, I hope you get some relief soon xx
betablockers will give you asthma, i'm not a doctor but i do know that because they gave my mum asthma. x
i have Asthma, and i have had it since i was born, so i know asthma well lol.
i do notice during fibro flare ups i find it a little harder to breathe/need my inhaler more but i haven't actually thought of the two being connected before.

I have had asthma since birth too.
Hi Raboo
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are experiencing this, and according to the *Fibromyalgia Symptoms Website 'Yes!' I have pasted you an excerpt below:
*Why You Have Difficulty Breathing. Studies have shown that shortness of breath, or feeling a strong need for more air, is common in fibromyalgia patients. A 2001 study in the Journal of Muscoskeletal Pain found that 50% of FMS patients reported feeling short of breath, a condition called dyspnea.
I have never had this mentioned to me by my doctor but it is interesting? I have been a life long asthmatic, and in more recent years I have been diagnosed with COPD / Fixed Airway.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you. I will share that with my pulmonary md. I have been an asthmatic my entire life. From some of the fibro symptoms that I have had, I feel I may have had that most of my life. In the past 3 years my breathing has worsened. No one can pinpoint the cause. I told my doctor my breathing is just not controlled. No answers.
I get so tired of the whole thing. When the pain kicks into overdrive I really want to scream.
Thank you again. I do love the website. I don't feel so alone
My doc keeps telling me there's no effect, I also have bronchiectasis, which takes up a section of my middle right lobe
Lovely. I keep telling myself tomorrow will be a better day
I have to admit that my breathing has not been under control for the last few months. I have had so many increased doses of Prednisolone it is getting silly! Please take care my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Another way of looking at this situation is to realise that fibromyalgia is caused by traumatic stressful situations that have taken place in one's life, it then follows on that shallow breathing is common to those who are stressed. One and one make two and so on. I do believe that we hold internal scars from emotional situations and until we find release and let them go we can go on to develop all sorts of health issues.
Do you think some of those internal scars can be.from birth? What you say makes perfect sense. I have had some of these symptoms since my early teens. I have had leg, mainly knee pain my entire life
Possibly Raboo, but you mention your teens which is a time of much change and vulnerability, you have to look at your past and see if anything comes to mind that could have caused mental or physical injury. Knee pain can also be caused by weight issues which again my be deep rooted, this is only a thought as it may not apply to you.
Yes what Sweetdreams said is the same for me. I especially notice when I go to the major town 1 hour away to shop (I live in a smaller town) I'm always needing ventolin the next day, my nose is stuffy pretty much permanently & sometimes an antihistamine will help, sometimes not. I never had any asthma symptoms until about 5 years into having Fibromyalgia. A heat pack on your chest & a cup of hot tea can help 💜