Hello everyone. Was wondering if anyone has found any good solutions for this little tricksie? How to wear glasses when even just the touch of them is killing your nose and ears?
Yes I know it's a great opportunity for lots of funnies - but I'm in so much pain at the moment, any serious solutions gratefully received. You know those times when if someone even touchs you, its 'The Scream' - live in your lounge. π± Decibels rather high too.
I just want my glasses to float in front of my eyes so the searing pain doesn't through my nose into my brain!
Yuck, yuck, yuck. That's my word for today. Could have an F at the front of course but I'm liking yuck better for now.
Could I sellotape them to the end of my nose so they're barely touching but not falling off? Not wearing them is not an option!! Break the arms off an older pair and sellotape them to my forehead?
Oh for a painkiller that actually works long term. Especially one that doesn't add 70lbs, make visits to the khaki more kamikaze than just popping to the ladies, and countless others joys including loosing the desire to whip your husband's kegs off thrice daily and 'think of England' as me Ma used to say. Even though we live in Wales!!!
Gosh. You wouldn't think I'm was a tad fed up today would you?
So seriously - has anyone tried anything on the glasses front? And if you've found that painkiller, please share. I want some.
Happy Saturdays, Tillie