Hi i have fibromalyalgia among other things i had a thyroid test it came back underactive. Then i had another blood test and it came back normal after 2 months i worried now that it could still go underactive
Underactive thyroid: Hi i have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Underactive thyroid

I think a visit to your GP would be sensible to try to get some answers....
Hi Cathy, have you joined Health Unlocked Thyroid Forum.
They'd have more Info on Thyroid issues? x
Thankyou will look that upx
I have an underactive thyroid, I have had it since i was 16, now 21. I also have lupus and tissue disease...
Iv never really noticed anything different wth having a thyroid disorder except just feeling the cold alot.
I wouldnt worry too much about it, the more info you get from your gp the better. Also look on the nhs website about it to give yourself some more info... they will usually just keep doing your bloods every 4 weeks to see how the levels go then put you on levothyroxine.

Hi cathy, yes this has happened to me recently, thyroid glands are very small but a nuisance at times, diet and pills have some effect on this, they also control some of the weight we carry, I have piled it on whilst on a diet! I have extreme fatigue-more than normal with fibro, BUT I,ve also been tested for sjorgrens syndrome and I expect that to be the culprit..I,m having mine checked again 3 monthly with B12 injections, if there are 2of the 3 showing underactive then I might have to start thyroxine-not looking forward to that really!

Thankyou for your reply hope things turn out ok for youx

Thankyou i have fibo and suffer a lot with exhusten so can i get vitamin b injections my doctor has not mention this and does it help you with m.e side of fibo
Please look at the thyroid forum too. What a doctor says is 'normal' doesn't necessarily mean your thyroid is ok, it just means it's in range. If they said you were underactive before then your tsh is over their range. Do you know what it was and if they did your t4 as well. The t3 is rarely tested yet that is the most important factor in determining if your thyroid is ok or not. 90% of people with an underactive thyroid find that it is caused by an autoimmune disease called Hashimotos. This causes flare ups, and at that time, when the thyroid is being attacked, will cause fluctuations in the thyroid results.
The test for hashimotos is the TPO and TGOB, in short hand. If your gp has done them get the result. Doctors don't tell you if you have hashimotos as the treatment is the same, although a gluten free diet can reduce attacks.
Yes, I have fibromyalgia as well as hashimotos/hypothyroidism and b12 deficiency and learnt about all this on the thyroid forum. Post your blood test results on there and members will gelp you. By the way, untreated and undiagnosed hypothyroidism is sometimes misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia. Been there done that! Good luck.
cathy1110 , I have underachiever thyroid and have for 8ish years. I've been taking meds for this long as well and had my last blood work 3 weeks ago and it is still abnormal.Were you put on meds to take care of this or did it just come back normal?? I don't get it. Peck🐤
No meds as second text came back normal but somethink made it go undeactive so i thinking can do it again
Hi cathy1110
I think a trip back to your doctors would be best my friend? As the others have said it may also be beneficial to join the thyroid forum and see what they say as well? I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hope sand dreams for you