How in God's name are we meant to get pip if u keep getting refused for it I am waiting for my letter of refusal once again I am so mad how does the people who don't need it manage to get awarded it
Personal independent payment - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Personal independent payment

I have not got a clue how you get it. I have been turned down again. But one thing you have to keep fighting. I am determined they are going to listen me win or lose. Keep fighting. Good Luck.
The system does seem to be a bit hit and miss, who knows what the decision makers at DWP are thinking and on what criteria. It also seems to depend on what the assessor writes and even if what they say is the truth!
I do know however you have nothing to lose by appealing right to the end, although it can be stressful it is your right to claim that allowance.
Good luck!
Hey. Citizens Advice are great for sorting PIP. They use "disability rights handbook" which has scoring criteria in it for the pip assessment.
Nearly all PIP applications are rejected first tine round. You need to appeal the decision and then you will likely get PIP from there. Which will be backdated to the date you first made the call to apply for PIP.
Worth noting though that if you drive yourself to the PIP assessment or go alone this WILL count against you. To stand a chance of getting PIP you must get someone to go with you to the assessment.
Also remember that the 'assessment' begins the moment you enter the building, not just during the assessment its self.
When answering questions only give information about your condition is at its absolute worst, saying things like 'some times' 'every now and then' will count against you for the assessment.
Supporting evidence is also highly important! Get as many reports and letters from professionals about how your condition affects you as a person not general information about the condition itself.
It is also helpful to get specific answers from healthcare professionals to back up what your answers say on the form.
If for example the form asks about your ability to cook, ask the appropriate professional to answer the question specifically.
What I did for my application was create a chart with the questions, my answer to the questions and any notes that i didnt put in my answers that the doctor may like to include. I then devised a questionaire for the clinicians treating me that specifically backed up what I was saying. So in relation to the cooking question i asked:
How does my condition affect my ability to cook?
Having everything you say backed up will 100% help
Get some advice from CAB or a charitable organisation about appealing or getting a reconsideration on the decision and try and get some more supporting evidence. Again don't go through this process on your own it will go against you.
Hope this has helped and good luck!
The hand book is great helped me loads worth the money

Where did you get the handbook, Junebee? I suspect that getting assistance allowance is going to be as tricky as PIP. I have sent off the form but don't have much hope of a favourable response! I had some help from our local carer's centre but no one to sit down with me and go through the questions. xxx if you on benefit you get it at reduced rates

Thanks Junebee xx
Best of luck to you on being awarded pip. I was awarded enhanced pip 2014 then following year it was reduced to basic rate even though my symptoms had got worse, I appealed against their decision then had to sit through a tribunal hearing who then decided I wasn't entitled to pip at all and it was stopped. I am unable to work and relied on that money to get by. I started a new claim but I was only given 6 points therefore I was not awarded anything. I went from being awarded 12 points, down to 9 points and at last assessment only given a measly 6 points, you have to get 8 points for basic rate.I also applied for ESA and no luck with that either. Hopefully you will have better luck than I had.
It's a complete mine field when doctor and specialists reports can get overturned by a none medically trained DWP assessor's put you have to keep in mind that they are working with a computer based point system the are assessing you're daily needs not diagnosing your conditions so help is almost certainly needed to complete the forms
I am so angry at what you have to do to get some help!!! I don't have those problems as I am well over retiring age and had mine sorted years ago but it makes me mad to see what you all have to go through to get some benefits....Hope fully the new regulation re. chronic illnesses will come to fruition and tings will ease for you all....Hugs xx
I had been to my doctor and asked for a letter all they gave me was my medical history on a little sheet of paper they said they don't do letters and the the report would have to do it said nothing about help I needed just what I had wrong and what operations I have had since I was a kid. But I am now with a new doctor since recently moving from Scotland to North Lincolnshire I might have better luck with letters
Absolutely, try your new GP. There are some template letters online for formal requests of medical letters to support claims. It also gives you a good indication as to how supportive your doctor will be when DWP contact them directly. Be sure to put in the letter that you are not in a financial position to pay for the letter. Most GPs will charge for medical letters anyway but worth a try to try and not pay for it.
My GP charged for my letter (£23.50) because these letters are not covered by the NHS, however my psychiatrist provided his report for free, so I think it is down to the particular GP/Practice as to whether or not they charge.
Having this in place also gives you the opportunity to spot potential problems further down the line. I.e if your GP feels that you can reasonably do something that you cant, it is better to pick up on that and provide your GP with more information than if DWP pick it up when they contact the GP directly.
People often forget to tell GPs about new symptoms or their ability to do certain things and as the GP doesnt know this they cant report it when asked
Iv just sent my pip form back I had 32 letters about my condision I put three Docters down for reference I suffer from Fibromygia RLS Tinnatass and Asma . , Iv received a reply by tex saying my application is being looked at I haven't got a clue of how much your untitled I thought £100 a month may be ,
Hi Mrsb07
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your PIP application.
All my hopes and dreams for you