Dysmenorrhea: Hi everyone, Was just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Char_Green95 profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone,

Was just wondering if any other fibro warriors suffer with terrible period pains, causing their backs and hips to ache & making it quite difficult to walk around? Does anyone have any advice for pain relief for this or some sort of yoga that might help? Anything would be greatly appreciated!

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Char_Green95 profile image
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15 Replies
Janet28 profile image

Hi Char_Green95 I just noticed you recently joined the forum so firstly, welcome, you have come to the right place to talk to others that are going through the same and can understand how you feel and we all try to support each other.

I don't have this problem anymore but when I did menstruate, it was always very painful for me & i think this is a symptom of Fibro but as alawys, can also be other things, so always best to check it out.

Have you been on the main site, you will find lots of useful information and links 're Fibro

Here is the link fmauk.org/

Peace, luv n light

Jan x

Char_Green95 profile image
Char_Green95 in reply to Janet28

Thanks so much!xx

Oh my goodness yes I do really bad,back pain goes in to the legs ; only since I have had fibromyalgia so I really feel your pain.


Char_Green95 profile image
Char_Green95 in reply to

This is exactly how I feel, I find myself stumbling around when I walk!! Stay strong xx

I have to say I don't look forward to it and it makes me super tired also,it's the one time I sleep strangly


TheAuthor profile image

I have pasted you a link to the NHS Choices cache on this issue below:


I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Super-cooper74 profile image

Hi, I usually put self heating pads on me, it does slightly help. As I can feel the nerves and muscles slightly release which helps with sleep x

phlebo123 profile image


I am sure I have read somewhere that fibromyalgia sufferers experience more severe period pain (some kind of link?)

I know when I was younger I always experienced dreadful pain.

I used to hug a hot water bottle.

Have you spoken to your doctor? They may be able to prescribe something stronger ( I take it that you have tried the normal over the counter remedies... feminax)

It may sound silly but maybe some gentle stretching or relaxing in the bath may be helpful. Xxx

BadHare profile image

Hi Char,

My period pains were on a par with labour pains, & made me vomit. Doctors don't take this sort of thing seriously, & think we're being hysterical, so I had 35 years of hell.

The contaceptive pill made no difference, & any NSAIDs & pain killers only took the edge off the pain. HRT then thyroid medication has reduced the problem to a twinge.

I have a pituitary adenoma, diagnosed 3 years ago, but can trace the symptoms back to 38 years ago when my hormonal problems started, & wreaked havoc with my life. I have the symptoms of secondary hypothyroidism, which can cause a range of issues, severe menstrual problems included. FM & hypothyroidism symptoms are almost identical, though the latter caused by deficient thyroid hormones which are replaceable. Try looking up & doing the Barnes basal body temperature test, to see if you fall into this category. I can't give you a link as my last post was removed due to ads. Your local pharmacy should sell didital thermometers for a few pounds, & all it involves is taking your temperature before getting out of bed every morning, If it's consistently low over a few months, you're likely hypothyroid.

You can contact me, or try the UK Thyroid forum for useful advice. Don't let your GP fob you off if you think you need a referral.


Reykua profile image

Do you have Endometriosis as well? If you don't, it's probably safe for you to use Asprin.

For years, I was given a cocktail of Asprin, Paracetamol and Codeine to take. I understand this practice still continues and some pain meds specifically for periods are essentially a combination of these meds or Co-codamol with asprin and an anti-inflammatory like Ibruprofen.

My neice finds them quite effective but still takes the first day of her period off work to 'manage' the heavy bleeding. Fortunately she doesn't have Fibro so my sincere sympathies go out to you.

Mad_scientist_ profile image

Depo provera injections are very good at helping with this problem, often stopping periods completely. Much better than the contraceptive pill and the injection only has to be remembered every 12 weeks.

softbabe profile image

Hi....I suffered for years with excruciating period pains/heavy bleeding. My GP was rubbish until I saw another lady GP at our practice. She was fab. Referred me to a gynaecologist and I was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis. To cut a long story short, I had a full hysterectomy in 2010. Best thing ever. Worth looking into......


AmySholay profile image


I've suffered with painful periods since 2006, when my sleeping patterns deteriated and this lead eventually being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2013. Period pains getting worse along with insomnia are a good indicator of early fibro, before the pain factor kicks in.

Fibromyalgia causes many imbalances in the body, including hormonal levels malfunctioning. I get really bad pains in my ovaries & tops of my legs when mensturating. I take extra strong paracetamol for the pain, heat patches & rest when the pains at its worse.Take any meds early, when the pain is slight before it gets too bad. I also take extra iron as I find I get anaemic during monthly cycles.

Hope this helps.

Matrix profile image

Oh my word , I no longer have to worry about this . Right from being a young girl I suffered and that never changed all the time I had periods . I used to cry sometimes it was unbearable . Nothing worked for me except having a couple of water bottles very hot . I think anything that would stretch that area might help . Sending hugs x

FoggyMoggy profile image


I had awful period pains most of the time (I'm nearly over them) but only to be replaced by awful chilly sweats. But the only thing that helped with the pain was CoCodomol. I saved it for the worst days of my period only.

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