Hi. Just asking for any advice on pip assessment next week I’m booked for phone call . When filling in my form they ask to explain your worse days what u can and can’t do . Any one asked if you use any aids to help with gripping things and to help opening jars etc. just getting my list together in case they do ask question and I’m prepared to answer . Any advice thank you .
Fibromyalgia : Hi. Just asking for any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Have a copy of the answers you filled in on the form, or main points written down in front of you as a reminder. I didn't do that in my panic!
I think you have to not be pushed to answering quickly and take your time.
Ask them to explain the question or repeat it, if unsure.
Also don't do what I did, and beat yourself up about it!
They try to rule people out, so even if you don't get what you should, it can be appealed.
It's not us answering the questions correctly, or failing. It's the system. If they had to live our lives, we'd get loads of points!
Thank you . I was told that they will try to catch u out with questions . And that worries me as I have answered on the form to the best of my knowledge . Even tho I do find it difficult to hold a pen at times cos of the pain that I have in my fingers and and my wrist . I wasn’t sure if using aids would give me points cos they think I can manage with aids to help me . I live on my own so I have to manage the best I can to get by . ☹️
Hi what I would say to you is have someone with you for your assessment that can help you, if need help filling the form out go to any of the places that deal with benefits and get help.
Hi. Thanks for yr reply . I have my assessment on Monday . I filled out my form myself . I must admit that I had to stop and start and rest my Hands cos I hv pain in my fingers and wrist . Took me days to fill my forms in . The problem I hv when I’m put on the spot my mind goes blank . I get brain fog not good with remembering stuff . I lake concentration . My mind some times wonders off and I’m like in a bubble . It’s awful but I know they won’t really get that . ☹️
I'm the same, it took me 4days to fill the form in. My hands a d wrists go really sore and achy so I also had to keep stopping too. I just wrote this at the end of the form that I really struggled and that it took it 4 days to complete. Good luck,!
I forgot to mention aids! I think it does if you relate to cooking or bathing .She asked me if I chopped veg , or had prepared meals, how long I took to shower. To confirm ally medications. She was just asking me questions all the time. I hadn't really slept the night before, so after a while my fibro fog cut in. Just do your best, without making yourself feel worse. It always amps up my symptoms this sort of thing. I told I had to move and was getting stiff, so if you get a problem, carrying on, tell them. Fingers crossed for you!
Be careful because if you say you use a shoe they will say you have adequate grip, my assessment was absolutely disgusting.. My partner has to dress/shower and cook/prepare all my meals but they don’t listen. Please get advice.I got turned down they didn’t even Ask my mental health team for any evidence. I’m now appealing (MR)
It’s got me so down that I don’t want to be here anymore
Good luck
I had to fill all this in. It is a lot but luckily I have a walk in advice entre near my home and they helped me. I am waiting for acceptance. I applied 14th April. It does take about 10 weeks but will be back fated to first phone call
I have applied fir pip. I also have stage 3c cervical cancer osteoporosis in my spine , osteoarthritis, and asthma. So 5 chronic diseases.I have done my application and am just waiting for reply to see if I have been accepted. It is such a long wait and the stress is awful. I am not able to work at the mo as I am undergoing chemo and radiotherapy. I will be off work at least 10 weeks with just ssp so really need this pip. My fibramyalga is constantly in flare up and the fatigue is through the roof. Fingers crossed you all get the help you need xxx
My only advice would be to always give answers on your worst days not how you feel at that moment. Always give answers if rating 1 to 10 as you feel on your worst days for pain, fatigue everything.I claim low for care but highest on mobility. I have been able to get a motability vehicle as well as have to use a wheelchair as my hands and feet are so painful ATM
Good luck you will be fine.
Always give worst case scenario.
Jody xx
Hi make notes that you think aren’t relevant, like sitting when preparing meals, Not being able to lift full pans, only able to chop soft veg. Usually don’t have the energy to make meals so snack. Etc It all counts . Before you answer, think of your pain/ lethargy is at its worst and answer that way. The one that gets me is how far you can walk. If you get out of bed and can’t function for the first couple of hours tell them that. I.e less than 50 metres and explain that’s the reason why. Some of the questions are ridiculous and you probably know you won’t gain points so concentrate on the areas that do affect you.
Good luck
You need to tell these people that you are in constant pain and discomfort. X