Hey, new to this... But has any one got any advice for me? Only sixteeen, and struggling to walk... Thanks!
Advice :): Hey, new to this... But has... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Advice :)

Hi Gemma
Welcome to this site.
Sorry to hear you are struggling already at such a young age.
Have you been diagnosed with FMS?
I would say if mine had been caught early enough then i would have gone swimming for exercise as that helps your whole body.
It is very hard to do anything when you cant use your legs properly like myself. I just gone round the shop (as far as i can manage nowadays) and my legs now feel like they are on fire not to mention the back pain.
You need to see your doc to try to get the best advice (make sure they are believing in your problems) but try to go swimming if you can. The more you go the more you strengthen your legs , arms and back.
Hugs to you
Hi Gemma,
sorry to hear you have this at such a young age
Welcome to the site it is great everyone is so helpful and friendly
I am affraid I am of no help to you re advise as I have only been newly diagnosed myself
but Kialaya is right a good gp and gentle exercise if and when you can and swimming would be good if you cant walk very well
soft hugs xxx
Hi Gemma, the first place for you to contact is adult social care they are marvelous and will be able to assess your situation and you could be entilted to a carer to come in to help you even take you out, even put you in touch with teanagers who belong to a support group so you dont feel so isolated. you would be entitled to a grant for holiday breaks and an Occupational therepist will be able to assess what help yu may need in the home.
I go to a hydropool which is free if you get a special leaflet available from the hydro and stamped by your gp or be able to use the hospital hydro.
good luck, hugs poppy xx
Thank you so much!
See, both of my consultants diagnosed me with fibro, but they are now considering chronic fatigue syndrome instead... which are practically the same but... My diagnsosis up to now is fibro. I was diagnosed 4th august last year.
My doctors is ran by four doctors, and none of them believe me. I asked for a second opinion and instead they sent my to see a psycholigist.... One of the answers I got was "Think about all them chidren if Africa that walk for miles to get water with no shoes and still go to school... I am pretty sure you are capable in coping with a little bit of pain for a few hours. I struggle to get any one to believe me. That sounds great, how do I go about getting in contact with them? Jemma xx
Aww jemma,
Change your doctors if you can hun. I hate it when doctors just dont get fibro at all. Cfs is different to fibro hun, i have been diagnosed with both.
Please try a different surgery as you wont get anywhere if none of them doctors beleive its disgusting what they have said to you.
You have came to the right site for support hun and we will always try our best to help you.
Hugs, kel xxxx
Hey Jemma,
Welcome to the site! I'm 22 & just joined this site last month, it's such a great site, everyone is supportive and always have good ideas .. I was diagnosed last year but my GP is the same and just keeps prescribing painkillers and when I went to the rheumatologist they just said it 'fibromyalgia' and sent me home!
I found it really hard to adjust to everything since I'm always in so much pain and it does take a while to find out what things work for you and what things to avoid.
Hope you've had a good day! C x
Hi Gemma and welcome to the site i am sure you will get such alot ofhelp and advice on here you are so young blesss you but it is not the end of the world you have got to live your life and do what you can when you can just pace yourself
i think you should be honest with your friendstoo and show them all you can about fibro so they are aware what it is you have as you dont want them to think you are just not going out and about then they start leaving you out of the loop show them this forum and anything you find or your GP has given you
your not alone so lovely to chat and hope to chat again soon love Diddle xxx
Hello Jemma
Welcome to the group. I agree with the others. Try to do gentle exercise when you can,swimming is the only form of exercise i can do. You can get a wheelchair or other aids from adult sociol care you can also get crutches etc from Physio Direct. I know you probably dont want to use anything like that but believe me they can make your life much easier when going through a flare up. I have got a fab electric wheelchair of ebay for £80.Each help i get has to be blinged. My mobility scooter has glttery eyes,my crutches are covered in smarty sticky back plastic and they help me live my life to the fullnes that my condition allows. Without them i would be stuck at home getting depressed.I would seriously think about changing drs,a good GP can be a godsend.If its not possible to change go to the FMA website and order a doctors pack wich is full of information about fibro and how to treat it. They will also be able to inform you where your nearest support group is. Its fantastic being able to talk to people who understand on here and other fibro sites.We are a big family here who understand if you nead to rant or moan,we understand.xxxx
Hi Jemma love and hugs I've had it since I was 10 and will.be 48 soon .gentle swimming ,low impact exercises tia che hydro and try to stay positive hunny u will prob have up nd downdays so don't beat yourself up .my 16 year ol d son has probs to but they won't diagnose even with my history stupid people .toe care we all here for u xxx
I have been having this pain,fatigue, fog etc since I was about your age but didn't get diagnosed until I was 38! I know it won't feel lucky, but having your diagnosis young I really hope the docs can help you with medication.
I have a son the same age as you... are you now taking your GCSE's? if you're born in 1996 you should be in the same year group as him... he's 16 on tuesday
oh my... I can't believe how many people actually respond! finally some one listens...Thank you all of you xx
Yes, I am doing my GCSE's at the moment, so obviously it is proving quite challenging. I am also trying to find a job and college suitable for me... which is not any better!
It would help me a lot using things like crutches and a wheel chair, but I know that I would get judged a lot by not only people my age, but my relatives and friends. They struggle to believe me as it is.
I have tried swimming, but my back tightens up after 5-10 minutes because of the cold water and my consualt has mentioned hydrotherapy but they have never acted upon it.
Jemma xxx