I have a video interview scheduled for April 4th. Do you have any advice and are there any questions to prepare you for the interview? Please advise.
Needing advice. Video interview for PIP - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Needing advice. Video interview for PIP

Hi there, may I ask is apartment 9 your address. For security reasons you may like to remove it from public view if it is. This post and replies if not locked may be read on places like google etc. Just wanted to give you the heads up.
How do you lock posts so they can’t be read on google please?
Hi there, just follow the link below to lock a post. If you need further help please let me know.healthunlocked.com/fibromya...
Hi Dizzy
Thanks for the link. So looking at this you can lock your own posts but not your replies to other posts if the person hasn’t locked their post? I can’t see how to identify if the post you are replying to is locked or not. So it might be that sharing needs to be more considered when replying than when posting a locked post?
That is correct. You will see the little lock icon next to your header after you have hit the post button.
Look at yours now for example. No lock icon next to the heading. But you can make sure future posts are locked by hitting the community only button before hitting the post button.
You can also edit this one now to do that if you want to. Scroll up to the start. Then hit the V next to more. Then scroll down hit the community only button then hit the post button. You will then see the lock 🔒icon.
You only have to do it once at the start of every new post. If you don't see that icon on other posts it means they are not locked.
Locking a post is a personal choice. It is not a group rule. I personally prefer a locked post. I hope this helps.
Hiya, the best advice we got a few years ago from a PIP assessor was"When you are answering any of the questions always think about your worst days/moments when answering"
hello My advice is to tell them how you feel on your worst day. I applied during the pandemic and was denied, because they said I can still go for a walk, go to the bathroom, I can cook myself.I can dress up.-
My diagnosis was many years ago, when I lived in Spain, my GP here in London does not believe in fibromyalgia. He said to me do not worry just take the pills and relax.
Just let them know how bad is living in pain 24hours hours everyday .
I wish you all the best and cheer up we can't let ourselves be defeated.
yes except it to be changed mine was and turned into a phone call two hours later just listen to their words carefully and if you don’t understand ask them to repeat it
My first was a telephone call during covid as well (nearly 3 hours long!!!). I suggest you ask the assessor if you can record the conversation as your "fibro-fog" means you don't remember what you've said, so if it needs to go to tribunal later then you have an actual record of the interview. As long as you ask up front they cannot say no, and I'm guessing this is why I got my PIP on the 1st time of asking - they couldn't put anything in the report that wasn't said 😉. You can buy cheap mini voice recorders from currys for about £20.
And yes - always give your answers as if you are in the middle of a bad flare up.
I've got my 3 year review in 2 weeks time so I'm wishing us both luck!
Do not use the words "on my worst day" or "on bad days" this will lose you points answer as if every day is a bad day. 7 out of 7 days
I had my interview when i was on a good day ...the day after i had a one of the worst days of my life pain wise...which lasted for weeks...so you never know when bad days will hit and for how long ... and please remember they the "interviewers" are not your friend.
Good luck xx