Food glorious food: A question for all... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Food glorious food

17 Replies

A question for all out there. Are there any particular foods that Fibro sufferers should avoid. I have been recently diagnosed with the condition and am I right in thinking the correct diet is important?

17 Replies
angiesmith50 profile image

Hiya welcome. You need to avoid artificial sugars of any kind. Avocados are very good. Get some B12 vitamins good ones. Fibro suffers lack this. Also get some magnesium spray as it helps the brain. Cumin & turmeric are also good. Good luck x

in reply to angiesmith50

interesting, certainly food for thought (excuse the pun). Turmeric and Cumin I would never have thought of, will give it a try. But I will certainly look into the vitamin side of it. Many thanks x

in reply to angiesmith50

OMG artificial sugars. I drink a lot of diet coke, oh dear.....thanks for the heads up on that one.....

angiesmith50 profile image
angiesmith50 in reply to

Sorry angel!!!! X

Lou1062 profile image

Many of us have food sensitivities and actual allergies, and as has been said artificial sugars should definitely be avoided, I generally keep to fresh foods nothing packaged xx

in reply to Lou1062

many thanks x

Trikki profile image

Turmeric is a good one...taken in cooking rather than tablet form is better. I cannot drink red wine has a terrible effect on me.....too much tomato I find is not good....difficult to have a nice spag boll without it though!!!! Vitamin C as a supplement as we often have a low VC count....Basically it is very much trial and error for each of us is different. I don't have IBS which many do so I don't have to stick to a particular diet....I am sure you will be able to judge over time what helps and what hinders....xx

rosewine profile image

My acupuncturist is trying to glean information from a fibro patient who he is atually treating for a sports injury. She was diagnosed many years back and had to give up her job. Meds. did no good so she decided to try alternatives and decided to try altering her diet. She cut out gluten, aritifical sweeteners, no cakes, sweet or alcohol. Literally meat, veg and fruit grown by herself whenever possible but she also tried to obtain other things locally. It made such a difference to her health that she retrained as a nutritionalist. Her health continued to improve she does have symptoms but they are only a tenth as bad as before.

He is also trained in Chinese medicene. He says that you should only eat food that is naturally grown in the country of your birth so a Caucasian should not be eating things like citrus fruit but strawberries, blackberries, local apples etc the same with veg as your system would not be fully adapted to things grown elsewhere. I suppose it is the premis of locally grown food that has not had to be refrigerted or sprayed. He also said that spices like turmeric and caumin as angiesmith50 has aready mentioned are excellent anti- inflamatories. It is certainly worth a try.x

in reply to rosewine

many thanks x

TheAuthor profile image

If you have any particular food issues it may be advisable to seek some allergy and intolerance testing? I am allergic to soya, red fruits, latex, and artificial sweeteners, and have lactose intolerance!

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


in reply to TheAuthor

thanks Ken

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to


I agree with author that you should get checked out by GP or a pharmacist- as some things could clash with medication being taken - or health issues - reason also quite a while ago I was taking Ginko Bilbao only to discover I shouldn't have due to the fact I have high blood pressure and I shouldn't have been taking it as it raises blood pressure - always check - check - check - I cannot take certain cold - cough remedies - just good old paracetamol.

Take care everyone and hope you all have a less painless day😘

rosewine profile image

I know I answered you before Hidden but just had an email from Health culture Fibromyalgia about foods that might help reduce pain in fibro:-


Monosodium Glutamate



Sugar, gluten, yeast

Hope this helps.x

Lou1062 profile image
Lou1062 in reply to rosewine

I've been told to avoid all on that list, I do have the odd cup of tea though xx

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Lou1062

We all have to have our luxuries life wouldn't be worth living without a good cuppa.☕

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to rosewine

Thanks rosewine that is really handy! x :)

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