Fight fight fight I tell myself over and over all be ok you can do this my dr tells me I'm strong and a fighter and then he says I'm sorry the lump is back you need to fight some more so breast clinic here I come again and my fight with all my illnesses will not stop my smile my crying I will do alone and be strong for my family xx
How much more can a body take - Fibromyalgia Acti...
How much more can a body take

You must be so strong to keep fighting, you are an inspiration to us all, never to give up.
We never know what life is going to throw at us, I was told that we are dealt the hand with as much as we can take at any one time so as we are all fighting we are all strong.
Stay positive in your fight but share your tears with your family, they need to see that you are human too.
I wish that I could send you much more than positive thoughts and gentle hugs xx
I am so sorry for all you are going through and I do feel all of us have to fight what life throws at us....but please don't cry, rant and rave on your own....we are here and you can cry or whatever all you like. Don't forget either that your family is very worried and they need to show their emotions to so cry with them as well.....I wish you well Kntrach and hope to hear from you again.....Hugs xx
Hi Thank you so much for your kind words were a strong family and been though so much it Hurts me to see them go though watching me in so much pain and suffering but when I smile and I see them smile I know every inch of fight in me worth every next breath and the next fight goes on harder xx
I'm so,sorry to hear of your health issues.
You are not alone we are here and will try to help and support you. I know how hard it is to try to be brave for your family, been there and written the good bye letters. I can only say that I'm here my sister in law, who had breast cancer is still here and my mother in law who had breast cancer in the late 50's lived until she was 87. There's always hope, so please don't give up.
Have you tried relaxation techns and something like positive thinking. You used to be able to get CDs with it on? Now it's probably easy to download, but not being techno minded I don't know. I know it helped me and some believe that it does help your body to heal.
Please keep ousting and we'll try to support you.
Good luck and take care.

Oh trust I will never give up fighting iv beaten it once and I will do it again just like all my other illnesses they may think they rule me but sshh I just let them think that lol xx
Good, I'm pleased to hear it.
Please do keep in contact add we will chat.
Take care 😊
I am so sorry you are having to go through this again.
You are a hero to keep so strong. You have a wonderful attitude and are inspiring. Please though look after yourself and pace yourself. Don't please get burnt-out.
I'm crossing everything for you!
Hi terryti I have to many people any family to make sure I don't do that even though I do try and push myself but I do pay for it and think why the he'll did you do that Yeah silly cow lol and do a little smile to myself I don't need to shake my head cause it does that on its own lol xx
I'm really glad you have people who are so supportive of you and will make sure you don't burn yourself out! That is a big help in any fight!
It sounds like they keep you grounded and are pretty wonderful!
I'm the one shaking their head now, in amazement and admiration!
Hi Kntrach , You can do it!! You sound like a very strong woman put uour best foot forward. Be blessed. Peck.🐤
Hello Kntrach
A very warm welcome to the forum
I am sorry that I missed your first post. I am also so sorry that you are going through so much.
You will find everyone on the forum kind, compassionate, but most of all supportive.
It is ok to cry occasionally in front of your family. Try not to hold it in all of the time.
Don't forget to be kind to yourself. Fighting is exhausting. Rest up when you can.
If you need a friend, at any time night or day, you will find someone here to chat to.
Take care of yourself
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
Hi my friend
I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and you are clearly a fighter! Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you